The Inauguration

Here is some video of the DisruptJ20 snowflakes
Which some of our posters here think is a fake group

A month ago before Christmas, I was having lunch with 2 female Hillary voters. One went to Wellesley. They were talking about what they were doing for the ingauration and if they would join the march they're having tomorrow. And the Wellesley gal said she heard Trump people are going to be violent.

Then I had to jump in and said, " you mean Trumpers or anti-Trumpers?" Then she shot me that feminist glare and said, "WE'RE not talking about this now!" Ho-lee-sheet.

I think it's fair to say not all Democrat voters are violent protestors, but all violent protestors voted Democrat.
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I think it's fair to say not all Democrat voters are violent protestors, but all violent protestors voted Democrat.

Perhaps. The protestors are generally sheep and parrots, not investigating the facts, but only acting and shouting that which they have been told.
Perhaps. The protestors are generally sheep and parrots, not investigating the facts, but only acting and shouting that which they have been told.
That was really a joke making fun of the "not all Republicans are racist, but all racists vote Republican."

It really pisses me off seeing those protestors base themselves at the Lone Sailor/Navy Memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue. Makes me sick to my stomach. If you want to protest and act like an asshat, fine. Don't do it at a Memorial to sailors and marines.
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A month ago before Christmas, I was having lunch with 2 female Hillary voters. One went to Wellesley. They were talking about what they were doing for the ingauration and if they would join the march they're having tomorrow. And the Wellesley gal said she heard Trump people are going to be violent......

And think back to all the attention the media gave the alt.right.
We heard and read how bad there are. They were described as "Brownshirts'

Or, go back a little further in time to the Tea Party -- they called little old ladies holding the US flag "racists."

But who is actually breaking and burning things, punching people and preventing others from exercising their rights? It is the left. It is always the left who does this.
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You had to know the protesters turning violent was just a matter of time. It's sad, but some people seem to seek out ways to create havoc, and the non-actions by police in other similar situations encourages this type of behavior.

The irony is many of my Facebook friends went to the Women's March, (all wearing the stupid hot pink knitted p***y hats) and people were telling them to watch out for all the violent Trump protestors. From what I have seen, the violence has been from the anti-Trump side. It also seems there are a handful of organized groups that plan on protesting for a while. The Democrats who refused to participate in a peaceful transition of power, and are openly calling for aggressive opposition to anything Trump should be ashamed. I know some Rs called for blocking Obama when he began, but I have never witnessed the type of divide in our country that I see now. I have never seen the type of rhetoric dumped on one man, and much of it is exaggerated.

I'm no fan of Trump, but he is my President, and to want him to fail is like cutting off your nose to spite your face, and, simply anti-American. I honestly wonder if we can ever return to a United States of America again. Right now, I don't know how that can happen.

I was naive in that I hoped it wouldn't become violent. The Pink ***** brigade is a different type of protester. These are the upset suburban moms and women's lib holdovers. They are typically our teachers, HR professionals and politically motivated soccer moms. Violence isn't even a consideration for them.

These violent protesters are the younger anarchists and militant side of racial equality movements, typically the extreme side of BLM. I previously thought this was a pretty narrow group embodied by the rebel rousers in Portland (anarchist group based in Eugene) and other raucus college campus crowds but I fear the group as a whole may be larger.
I find it interesting that today google decided to go with just the plain old boring google logo. Don't they have a different one just about every day honoring what's going on or happened that day in the past? Seems like today would be a great day to celebrate a new president.

Definitely a nod to "this is a sad day".
Holey Moley
President Trump is already at work
Issued orders to ease any regulations regarding obamacare in anticipation of repeal and replace (why do Dems keep forgetting the replace part?)
At least if I understand what the press secretary said
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I was naive in that I hoped it wouldn't become violent. The Pink ***** brigade is a different type of protester. These are the upset suburban moms and women's lib holdovers. They are typically our teachers, HR professionals and politically motivated soccer moms. Violence isn't even a consideration for them.

These violent protesters are the younger anarchists and militant side of racial equality movements, typically the extreme side of BLM. I previously thought this was a pretty narrow group embodied by the rebel rousers in Portland (anarchist group based in Eugene) and other raucus college campus crowds but I fear the group as a whole may be larger.
Announcers said there were about 200 of them. Inauguration was just an excuse to riot.
The Pink ***** brigade is a different type of protester. These are the upset suburban moms and women's lib holdovers. They are typically our teachers, HR professionals and politically motivated soccer moms. Violence isn't even a consideration for them.

They probably aren't violent. However, one lesson they could learn is that if you have the word "*****" in your name and wear stupid hats, most fair-minded people and certainly most people whose minds can be changed are going to tune you out. I assume they're referring to the Trump video, but using the word themselves rhetorically legitimizes Trump's use of it and reduces their credibility to his or worse.
Mr. Deez, that is what amuses me about the whole P***y movement. A few months ago these very same mothers were weeping (literally) on Facebook over Trump's comments.
"What do we tell our daughters? How do we tell them this isn't ok when the candidate for President says these misogynistic words?"
Flash forward to now. The same women are wearing p***y hats and T-shirts that read, "I'm a nasty *****" and "Nasty ******* get things done". How do they explain the hats and shirts to their daughters?

I have no doubt that their protest will be peaceful, but for the life of me I don't truly understand what they are protesting. Trump was caught using some gross language, and is (supposedly) pro-life, but other than that I don't see a huge "war on women".
My Facebook friends that are at the march seem to having a big, old vacation--hanging out in bars/eating out/having a grand time at the Peace Ball. The protest signs they have made make no sense. "Love Trumps Hate" type of meaningless slogans. The weirdest is a No Trump, Just Love with a black power fist. (All of these women are white as snow). Having fun is their right, as is the protest, yet I wonder if the money spent on this march would be better used supporting women's causes.
I'm sure there are many women's shelters, programs for battered women, single mothers, educational programs, etc. that could use that money, and it would actually make a positive impact on women in need, not wealthy moms with vacation days to spare.
I guess I'm a traitor to my gender.
Mr. Deez, that is what amuses me about the whole P***y movement. A few months ago these very same mothers were weeping (literally) on Facebook over Trump's comments.
"What do we tell our daughters? How do we tell them this isn't ok when the candidate for President says these misogynistic words?"
Flash forward to now. The same women are wearing p***y hats and T-shirts that read, "I'm a nasty *****" and "Nasty ******* get things done". How do they explain the hats and shirts to their daughters?

I have no doubt that their protest will be peaceful, but for the life of me I don't truly understand what they are protesting. Trump was caught using some gross language, and is (supposedly) pro-life, but other than that I don't see a huge "war on women".
My Facebook friends that are at the march seem to having a big, old vacation--hanging out in bars/eating out/having a grand time at the Peace Ball. The protest signs they have made make no sense. "Love Trumps Hate" type of meaningless slogans. The weirdest is a No Trump, Just Love with a black power fist. (All of these women are white as snow). Having fun is their right, as is the protest, yet I wonder if the money spent on this march would be better used supporting women's causes.
I'm sure there are many women's shelters, programs for battered women, single mothers, educational programs, etc. that could use that money, and it would actually make a positive impact on women in need, not wealthy moms with vacation days to spare.
I guess I'm a traitor to my gender.
I am guessing that most of these women are feminist and all about equal rights. Well, maybe they want to do something idiotic like men do all the time?:usflag::beertoast::facepalm::thumbup::idk::confused2::usa:
Mr. Deez, that is what amuses me about the whole P***y movement. A few months ago these very same mothers were weeping (literally) on Facebook over Trump's comments.
"What do we tell our daughters? How do we tell them this isn't ok when the candidate for President says these misogynistic words?"
Flash forward to now. The same women are wearing p***y hats and T-shirts that read, "I'm a nasty *****" and "Nasty ******* get things done". How do they explain the hats and shirts to their daughters?

I have no doubt that their protest will be peaceful, but for the life of me I don't truly understand what they are protesting. Trump was caught using some gross language, and is (supposedly) pro-life, but other than that I don't see a huge "war on women".
My Facebook friends that are at the march seem to having a big, old vacation--hanging out in bars/eating out/having a grand time at the Peace Ball. The protest signs they have made make no sense. "Love Trumps Hate" type of meaningless slogans. The weirdest is a No Trump, Just Love with a black power fist. (All of these women are white as snow). Having fun is their right, as is the protest, yet I wonder if the money spent on this march would be better used supporting women's causes.
I'm sure there are many women's shelters, programs for battered women, single mothers, educational programs, etc. that could use that money, and it would actually make a positive impact on women in need, not wealthy moms with vacation days to spare.
I guess I'm a traitor to my gender.
They are protesting the loss of stature (in their minds) of being moral beacons. They feel that their concerns became secondary when the country elected Trump, which to some extent is true cause not everything can be the highest priority. This backlash is what happens when you invest in virtue signaling and the like. The reality is that 99% of their lives is not going to change under Trump.

Good article. The march could use better PR cause it's purpose is lost among the rioters who were there the day before. Should have picked a day that meant something like Susan B Anthony's birthday or something. I recognize this article is refreshingly slanted against the march, but the effort appears to be virtual signaling all the way down.