The First 100 days

Employment rose by 2.5 million jobs in May
The jobless rate fell to 13.3%
Cable news is pretty unhappy about it
They were pining for the predicted 19.5%
They want you to suffer

Employment rose by 2.5 million jobs in May
The jobless rate fell to 13.3%
Cable news is pretty unhappy about it
They were pining for the predicted 19.5%
They want you to suffer


On Twitter, in response to the good news, Paul Krugman said Trump and his people have deliberately corrupted the Bureau of Labor Statistics. LOL!
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Unemployment will drop substantially as the liberal mayors finally release their cities from economic chokeholds. Nashville, largely entertainment and hospitality, is being strangled by a willfully ignorant liberal. Could have gone to phase 3 this week, but stayed at phase 2 for safety. This is the same guy tweeting that everyone should go out and join the protests.:brickwall:
And here I was ready to dismiss Bolton..... he may be a good guy after all :smile1:

I have always felt Haley was only interested in her personal political ambition. In her defense.... is there anyone left not that way? Rand Paul? Bernie? Yes, Bernie has said the same stuff and has not changed in his entire career. He has been willing to be politically isolated to stick to his guns. What is scary is the democrats moved so far left, Bernie went from some outlier loon to getting significant support.

Also, who else remembers the first 100 days?
It is symptomatic of Trumps lack of grounding that he picked Bolton to begin with. One of the few things about Trump that I applaud is his talk loud and keep the powder dry attitude. His talk is bellicose but his actions have resulted in a lot less people getting killed. Which is why warmonger Bolton hates him and is trying to unseat him. I think he put off publishing so he could do the maximum damage in the election
Yet he will sell books which is his ONLY aim. It is so funny to see the Dems all wee wee'd up that he waited to release his book.

I think he hated the Ukraine fiasco. However, he also knew that Schiff was an incompetent partisan tool, so he didn't want to help him out.
Bolton is a real villian. He wanted to go to war with Iran, which would have meant war in several places in the ME, Syria, Iran, and Yemen.

Now that he is selling out shows that he has no real principle. He is using negative popular opinion of Trump and Trump's conflict with the Deep State to gain popularity and money. Remember the Left hated Bolton back in early 2000s when he worked for Bush. He was absolutely hated.

Bolton is the very definition of a sell out. A warpig sell out.
Bolton is a real villian. He wanted to go to war with Iran, which would have meant war in several places in the ME, Syria, Iran, and Yemen.

Now that he is selling out shows that he has no real principle. He is using negative popular opinion of Trump and Trump's conflict with the Deep State to gain popularity and money. Remember the Left hated Bolton back in early 2000s when he worked for Bush. He was absolutely hated.

Bolton is the very definition of a sell out. A warpig sell out.

I'm not following your logic. How is he selling out his principles? Because he's selling a book or because he's going after Trump?
He is selling out in the sense that he is doing the bidding of his former enemies in order to gain money and popularity.

The same people that hated him are now lauding him and paying him money.

He isn't selling out his principles. He has consistently been a war pig.
He is selling out in the sense that he is doing the bidding of his former enemies in order to gain money and popularity.

The same people that hated him are now lauding him and paying him money.

He isn't selling out his principles. He has consistently been a war pig.

I don't think he's doing it for popularity or money more than anyone else who writes a book. I think that after working for Trump, he has decided that Trump is worse than a Democrat on foreign policy. I don't think he cares very much about other issues.

He's not going to gain much, if any, popularity for this. Some liberal commentators will cite his book to rip on Trump, but he'll always be a villain in their eyes. He's not like a Mitt Romney who can ideologically morph.

And as I've said before, I'm not a John Bolton fan. Never have been.
I think that after working for Trump, he has decided that Trump is worse than a Democrat on foreign policy.

Because Trump won't declare war on the countries on Bolton's list. Or any other country, for that matter. Bolton is a war monger.
I think that after working for Trump, he has decided that Trump is worse than a Democrat on foreign policy.
Because Trump won't declare war on the countries on Bolton's list. Or any other country, for that matter. Bolton is a war monger.

I agree with both of you. What does that say about the Democratic Party?
7-2 vote
Asylum-seekers are not entitled to habeas corpus
Reversed the 9th Cir, again
This is a big win
Judges matter
Department of Homeland Security v. Thuraissigiam: Supreme Court Opinion

" .... Amid a surge of illegal immigration of Mexican citizens at the southern border in the mid-1990s, Congress created a new method for CBP to respond to the influx of immigrants it was arresting, allowing the agency to deport select immigrants within days instead of spending weeks or longer in detention. The process of “expedited removal” allowed federal law enforcement at the country’s borders to return anyone to their country who had been arrested within 100 miles of the border within the past two weeks for illegally entering the U.S. Immigrants eligible for expedited removal would no longer be given the right to counsel, a full immigration hearing, or the ability to appeal a decision.

“The expedited removal process provides drastically truncated administrative procedures, and virtually no judicial review of purely legal claims, and even of claims that the removal would violate the Constitution,” ACLU lawyer Lee Gelernt wrote in a brief for the case.

Expedited removal was largely used for Mexicans who had been arrested trying to enter the U.S., but it was not intended for asylum-seekers. When Thuraissigiam did not pass the CBP officer’s credible fear interview, which is the first step in making an asylum claim before a federal immigration judge, he was slated to be returned to Sri Lanka quickly, unable to appeal the low-ranking officer’s decision...."
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I dont really have a good thread for this and its not worth a new one
But this decision is pretty stunning -- I admit Ive wondered about this issue or this sort of issue before. FWIW, I agree with the decision but its a tough call
I dont really have a good thread for this and its not worth a new one
But this decision is pretty stunning -- I admit Ive wondered about this issue or this sort of issue before. FWIW, I agree with the decision but its a tough call

This has been going on forever - not new. I read about this happening decades ago.

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