The face that is aggy just got another black eye

There are cool people at A&M, but they are overshadowed by a sizable collection of mean-spirited dumbasses. A&M supports and even celebrates these idiots, which is why I would intervene to prevent any of my children from attending that school.
^^The major difference btw frat incidents at Texas and the corp is that Texas doesn't paint frats to be the ideal students at our academic institution, whereas A&M embraces the corp and everything it stands for.
According to Mask, both Helle and Ramirez lost weight and allowed their grades to drop after the fight. They endured constant anxiety, Mask says, from the fear of criminal prosecution

I'd like to hear him put up that defense before a jury in Williamson County.
This unfortunately does not seem like an isolated incident coming from the outhouse known as tamu.

However, we should all feel safer knowing that there are ~720 prospective real soldiers that the corps will produce.
Little did I know that calling the nut squeeze overtly homosexual on texags is blasphemy until I got an injunction from a few posters (but not the mods) there....
who?, my cousin is currently in the corps. his sister is a regular student at a&m. neither one of them has a good thing to say about the people in there. but he's in there because it IS a good stepping stone for being an officer. he will be going into the air force and following his father's footsteps. his entire family are aggies.

he loves every minute despite disliking numerous comarades.

you're painting this thread and its posters with one brush. no longhorn makes their first post to defend aggies and continues to do so through out the thread. give it up.
it was on one of the later pages - probably 11-13. I now cannot find it.

Rest assured - I didn't make that up. I guess someone else saw it and felt it was too astonishing to leave up.

Makes you wonder what else needed "editing"
I'm certainly not defending the corps, just pointing how ******* stupid you are if you wish BCS to be nuked and that being at A&M cost someone their life.
jjxvi, i agree with you. but i'm curious what your 'generation' means. we talking the past decade? if i'm not mistaken the non-regs have always outnumbered the corps (some years after allowing women to attend). the article said 6000 when his dad was there. back in 02 there were 2000. the enrollment at A&M is over 40,000. so by the numbers you're correct. and you're correct that the majority of the student body doesn't embrace them as superior.

but texags shows plenty of support and they defend them. (i'm aware some corps post there)

but the fact is and has remained, the corps are the face of a&m. i expect that to change within the next few decades. change will completely take over college station and the farm school will become commercialized. it's already showing.

who?, i didn't say for bcs to be nuked, but i'd be lying if i didn't ask God for a sinkhole at kyle field when the sooners come to town.
My comment about "nuking" a&m off of the planet was made in jest. Of course I don't want any personal injury to come to anyone associated with a&m. My comment was sarcastic and to show my disdain for anything aggy. This story about these two toy soldiers is another in a long line of all too common incidents and behaviors that aggy demonstrates over and over.

Geez, some of you ags take yourselves and your school waaaaayyy too seriously.
There is a subtext here that I don't fully get.

Why the cover up? Is it simply the good ol' boy network, shielding the corps as an organization from negative publicity? Are the two perps politically connected to friends in high places somehow? Or even better -- are there more skeletons in the closet that the higher-ups in the corps would prefer to keep secret? Maybe WE CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

You would think the same sort of thing would apply to the aggy football players busted for armed robbery. Although I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the DA in Brazos County lets those perps plead on minor charges in the case, in order to make the whole thing just quietly go away.

I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts on this.

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