The face that is aggy just got another black eye

The white-washing excuses given on the Txags thread are mind numbing: 50% of guys get in fights at A&M, you would have to expel the whole student population, stuff like that.
How can anyone justify this attack as normal guys having a fight? Only at A&M.
Really, this is frightening. They will justify anything if it is one of their own. What a good old boys club that is over there. And they have the town, the justice system, the prosecutors, the judges, the school administration, and guess what, the governor (whom I would not be surprised is behind this somewhere) to keep everything under the table and out of the news.
You can just picture them all saying, "Yeah, go get counseling for your bashed in face, you whiny loser, we have to go to class and polish our senior corps boots and practice for the elephant walk. Quit interfering with business as usual." It's the aggy way.
This has got to be worse than it seems now. I read the story today and lunch, and from that, John Corcoran is an oil-rich, Aggie Ring wearing, ex Corps of Cadets battalion commander. They- meaning officials at A&M and in B/CS- threw him under the bus to protect two dumbass corps members who do exactly jack for the university and whose expulsion would probably be coupled with felony assault charges (i.e. no civil suit).

Something is very wrong here.
I actually went to high school with them and graduated in the same class as Katherine. I didn't really know her brother, but what a jerk. Let's just keep teaching people that they don't have to be held accountable for their actions
blueag, here you go.

it aint something i would rub in at all to the aggie community, because a woman's life was taken away.

but just don't be so naive that aggies are all outstanding characters.

this story is gross, it is awful, and i feel sorry for all involved.
I have to believe that this story, and others referred to in this thread involving some of the behavior at Texas A&M, makes the majority of Aggies feel a sense of shame. I don't understand the lack of sensitivity
and humanity in that Corps. Do they read the Bible, the Koran, the Torah? Anything? What's the matter with them?
I wish I could say this is shocking, but it's not.

I wish I could say this is one of the most embarrassing things aggy has done, but it's not.

aggy is what it is
I'm sure you guys won't, but please don't let the actions of a bunch of idiots affect the way you think about cadets in general or the military. Being both, I can say that only the most brainwashed of individuals accept the aggy corps as military or legitimate.
cadethorn, no need to think that or say that.

just because the 'wanted marine' killed the pregnant marine doesn't mean we all now assume marines are preggo killers or anything.

i know some marines that are ********. i know some marines that are some of my best friends. same with other military branches. my entire family is filled with army and air force.

no individual represents the entire organization, but they can make it look bad. it only takes an ignorant person not to see past that.
It is not relevant to throw out the murder case in this discussion. That can happen in any community, and happens in Austin, Virginia Tech, other places.
It is the shocking lack of justice and the conspiracy to deny justice because the two perpetrators are in the corps that is the issue here.
Note to self: don't put wife's sunglasses on accidentally around aggy.
The father should approach federal prosecutors with this as a hate crime since the dumbass kept asking if he was homosexual and it looks like that is what lead to the fight. I am only half kidding because the only people with enough power to crack this thing are federal prosecutors or some really good journalist who can figure out who influenced ATM and Brazos County prosecutors.
So, let me get this straight. A guy puts on a pair of girl's sunglasses and a couple of corps guys think it's appropriate to smash in his face because it's "gay".

A bunch of corps guys representing their organization at a football game do the following and it's OK. In fact, it's tradition.


That's logical.
It seems like bad news has been coming in waves to A&M these days.

I really don't understand why A&M still has the Corps when you have embarrassing and shameful events like this. The Aggie Corps is anachronistic and [yell leader]someone needs to find it a casket.[/yell leader]
Ah, the good 'ol aggy network at it's finest. Unfortunately for the victim this is par for those brainwashed in aggy culture. If that university was nuked off of the face of the earth the world would be a much better place.

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