I always pull for OU unless they are playing us, or playing for an NC.
2008 didn't teach you the lesson?
They know what it's like to get everyone's best shot every week. a$m has no clue what that's like.
that is one of the best explanations of the difference between OU and aggy evah.
Eh, I prefer this one that someone on HF posted many years ago, and I'll try my best to duplicate:
A&M is your younger brother. He always tries to copy you and yaps endless about his accomplishements whenever he achieves half of what you did. He instantly whines to mom & dad any time you have a fight, and blames you for everything even when he started it. He tucks his tshirt into his shorts without a belt and wears his knee high dress socks under his sneakers. You're embarrassed to be seen with him at school. He starts a club of not-cool kids who tell each they have way more fun than the other cliques, and thinks he's unfairly picked-on. The truth is he's actually got some intelligence and creativity if only he would use it instead of always making himself the victim, and he's disliked because he's obnoxious, not because the cool kids are meanies.
OU is the neighbor next door who the whole neighborhood hates. He always has his dog take a crap in your yard instead of his own and never cleans it up. He lounges out shirtless and in cutoff jorts in his front yard, which has more discarded tires, cigarettes, and beer bottles than it does vegetation. You rarely get a good night sleep because he wakes you up at 4am with loud trashy music. He's got 5 cars between his driveway and the curbside, but only 1 of them actually runs. He says he's "working on" the others perennially but nothing ever actually happens with them.
You don't like either one of them. But as fun is it when your brother gets his *** kicked because you know he needs to be kept in his place (and it's fun to see him cry and moan about his poor lot in life), it's also pretty hilarious when he kicks someone else's ***, like "really, my dorky brother can beat you up?". But there is no corresponding satisfaction if your a-hole neighbor wins a fight, and any time he loses, it's sweet justice to see it happen, and it's like "that can't happen often enough".