A accuratehorn 10,000+ Posts Jun 16, 2014 #33 Wednesday night revenge on the Anteaters! Make this happen, please, baseball gods.
NBHorn7 Pimp Daddy Jun 16, 2014 #34 Finallly back from doctor visit and then sent for labwork for dad so didn't see any of it, but I know the drill. We got fantastic pitching as is the norm and the opposition kicked in with a little help and we had enough hitting to produce a few runs. So on we go and like ole Dougie MacAuthur, "I shall return."
Finallly back from doctor visit and then sent for labwork for dad so didn't see any of it, but I know the drill. We got fantastic pitching as is the norm and the opposition kicked in with a little help and we had enough hitting to produce a few runs. So on we go and like ole Dougie MacAuthur, "I shall return."