Texas Vs K State Game Thread

So at this rate, we'll give up only about 700 yards of offense. A couple of weeks ago, I semi-agreed with those who said that firing Orlando wouldn't accomplish anything and just make it difficult to adjust for the rest of the season. Now, I don't see how we CAN'T fire him. It literally can't be any worse.
I don’t pretend to know the intricacies of the Xs and Os anymore, but I do know that for several years, we have sucked defensively on third and long.
Work on those fundamentals really paid off? I can see this team opening up a can of quit. Offense has to score touchdowns on every possession and how Ksu stops themselves at least twice (don’t think it will happen).
I think this game shows that there's a lot more at play than just injuries and scheme. There's just no resistance or pushback. The team seems down and destined to fail no matter what down or distance it is. I think there's probably a lot of locker room stuff that we don't know about and this season is taking a bad toll on everyone.
Getting our asses kicked by 2 and 3-star recruits, with a few jucos sprinkled in. More proof that all the 4 and 5 stars in the world don't mean jack if they're not coached properly. We can no longer out talent other teams and hope to win. It's obvious now that this coaching staff can't coach and maybe worse than that, can't motivate.

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