A few issues I've got with the Left on voter ID. Before mentioning them, I am confident that partisanship is a major factor in the GOP supporting voter ID. If they thought they were going to prevent a bunch of people in Highland Park or Plano from voting, they wouldn't be pushing this. They're self-serving politicians just like the Democrats are, so I'm not going to argue that their intentions are good.
Nevertheless, here's why I still favor voter ID. First, like Cedar Park Fan said, it does make common sense as a basic line of defense in the voting system. We require an ID before virtually every transaction except voting regardless of any demonstrable need. Was there a big investigation to see if fraud was widespread before requiring an ID to write a check? Were there loads of unauthorized people boarding aircraft before we required an ID? I don't know. I would argue it wouldn't have made a difference.
Second, you guys hide behind this argument that there isn't evidence of widespread voter fraud while (1) preventing the primary measure someone would use to find fraud and (2) ignoring fraud that has been found in the past. It would be like firing all the police officers and investigators and shutting off all the phone lines at the Austin police department and then saying, "look, there's no crime in Austin" because none is being reported.
Impersonating other live voters isn't the only way to cheat. Voting on behalf of dead people or fake people is also a method. However, without a voter ID, you'd never catch the fraudulent voters. You could investigate after the fact to see if any occurred, but you'd have to cross check every single ballot. You'd be looking for a needle in a haystack. And of course, you'd have no chance of catching the perpetrator.
Nevertheless, fraud has been found. Look at the 1960 election where fraud was rampant in Texas and in Illinois. Hell, there were 1243 more votes in Fannin County, Texas than there were registered voters. How does that happen without fraud? Hell, Mayor Daley basically admitted there was fraud in Chicago. His defense against the allegation was only that there was just as much of it in the southern part of the state.
Third, I'm not convinced that getting an ID is a major encumbrance. People have to register to vote. That's also an encumbrance, and Democratic activists have been helping old people and minorities register for years. If the activists are not trying to cheat, why not help them get IDs as well? They're free.