Texas @ Maryland 01/20/25

Couldn't agree more. Since conference play started, she looks flat-footed, slow, and unsure of herself. Guess all those nonconference blowouts lulled her into a false sense of big girl basketball confidence. Hopes she says, "oh, I get this now," and moves on to great things.
High School to college is a big transition. Each player makes it at their own pace. Give her some grace - she'll get there.
So, anyone love the announcers? Sounded to me like they were reading from Cliff's notes. From the very beginning, where they stated that this was a competition between two high-scoring teams. Not a remote reference to Texas' defensive abilities. I think it slowly dawned on them, as the game progressed, that Texas could play some defense.
Ok, sorry, one more. I agree with the comments about Jak. She has stayed with the program, and you could always see her potential. This was her best game as a Longhorn.
Yes the announcers didn’t sound very informed about Texas to me either. Don’t think either one thought Texas could win. As the game went on, the play by play guy became a real believer however. He started really laying it on thick sometimes almost in disbelief about Texas’s “suffocating defense”. If he said it once, he said it 100 times “Texas started this game on a 19-5 run”. He was absolutely in awe of Texas midrange game (as he should have been it was practically a master class).

The lady doing color talked many times about Madison’s game looking a lot like KD, but I must have missed where she acknowledged that was not a fluke and Madison is a big KD fan and tailored her game to match his in many ways. You would have thought a color analyst might have mentioned it a few times if you’re going to keep bringing it up.
Ok, and two more things about the announcers. 1) mispronounced Jak's name twice (think you should practice before going on air) and, 2) we're not in the Big12 any longer.
Ok, and two more things about the announcers. 1) mispronounced Jak's name twice (think you should practice before going on air) and, 2) we're not in the Big12 any longer.
I didn't hear a BigXII gaffe, but I don't hang on every word that comes out of their mouths. I could very easily have missed it.
Ok, and two more things about the announcers. 1) mispronounced Jak's name twice (think you should practice before going on air) and, 2) we're not in the Big12 any longer.
The Big12 mistake is inexcusable, but mispronouncing Ndjakakenga Mewenentanda is almost required and certainly at least expected :smile1:
I think I heard Craig Way say on the radio at halftime that he told the tv guy how to pronounce Jak's name, and he was appreciative. So did it get any better in the second half? Related, but slightly off-topic - If anyone is old enough to remember Vern Lundquist (longtime sports announcer for WFAA, Cowboys, and later major networks), I've always remembered his response to a question about learning the names of foreign athletes when he was doing the Olympics. He did figure skating, I think, so lots of Eastern European names. He said he felt it was so important to learn to pronounce everyone's names correctly as a sign of respect. I think he was so right.
Re: Announcers ... Broadcast producers (and our sports info staff) are usually responsible for providing talking points and interesting facts to the on-air announcers.They may not have time to learn more or clarify information, and are too busy to pay attention to teams outside their market. These announcers were probably happy to see a fast paced, high skills game, even though the score was lopsided. And they were on national TV - good for the resume. We are spoiled, fortunate to have Craig, Kathy, Andrea, Alex ... well-informed and experienced professionals for our games.

Verne learned names from Bowling for Dollars announcing. I sure hope to hear his voice on hole #16 at The Masters this year. The TV announcers should be given the liberty to shorten some names….like we do. But I think Verne would have been perfect at it.
He actually did get better at announcing it after the half. I remember thinking that he realized he had gotten it wrong and was trying hard to get it right although he still struggled with it.

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