Texas Fans: Please Don't Boo Rice

The reason being they are the other team. Again the only school I have EVER heard of with an anti booing policy is Texas A&M. Why are people here trying to be like Texas A&M? Booing is part of football. Everything in life doesn't have to be politically correct.
It is not being politically correct, it is called good sportmanship, or lack thereof. JMO.
My folks have been without power for almost a week due to Ike. And they aren't likely to get it back anytime soon, either. Ike splintered a power pole right behind their house.

If the Rice guys are anything like my parents, they are probably craving some sense of normalcy, even if it is a new normal. It will probably be good for them to get back on the field. I don't really have a problem with booing at Texas-OU, where it is part of the pageantry and gameday atmosphere. But booing Rice is just silly. I'd rather that we cheer on our guys to do well, or even make lots of noise when Rice has the ball.
I've said before who boos rice, but as for not booing in general it is not good sportsmanship it is aggy.
Not booing Rice is a good idea. I am not sure where all of this hostility to people who boo is coming from. I don't see anything wrong with it.
Here are things I would like to see more of:

1) Drink more cold ones before the game
2) Boo more (especially at RRS)
3) Get off your *** yell more when on defense
4) Boo some more

DKR needs to be a more intimidating place to place to play than it is.
I'm just going to throw batteries and tortillas.

I guess no one wants DKR to be an intimidating stadium. Between us not booing when the away team comes into our turf taunting our fans with gestures, and hardly any of our fans cheering DKR is going to be the easiest away stadium to play in.
I agree with the OP. Rice and the Houston area have gone through quite a bit over the past week, so we should be respectful.

Besides, I think Texas and Rice are on pretty good terms with each other, so there's not really any reason to boo Rice in the first place.
Booing an opposing team is lame unless they do something unsportsmanlike.

It's bush-league to boo an opposing team just because they showed up on time to play a game of football. Unfortunately, most people aren't very classy or they are just too young to understand how stupid it is.