Texas Fans: Please Don't Boo Rice

Lame. P.U.S.S.whY? Do you really think the opposing team gets their feelings hurt if people boo? They know it's nothing personal. It's not like your making jokes about someone's dead mother or something. Hell you're belittling the team more by NOT booing because "they are Rice" than by giving them equal treatment. Booing the other team is the same as cheering your own team in my book. And personal insults are only appropriate when duly asked for - like Derrick Dorris the scumbag TT wideout knee collapser.
I actually believe in not booing the mob. When you boo the mob, it means you can't laugh at yourself. It you cant laugh at yourself then u are really messed up. The dancing seven, after we lost 12-7 was funny. Speaking of rivals like ou, I will be doing things far worse than booing when arkansas shows up. I still remember the last time they came to austin and that damn cotton bowl. It angers me I have the same first name as nutt. (Im actually from San Antonio) Plus if you have been hit in the head by a beer bottle at piggy's glorified bleachers they call a stadium and you were just a kid, you would understand
And I'm sure the band would appreciate the boos because 1) they're happy you stayed in your seat to watch them and 2) they are smart enough to realize they are boos of appreciation. Do they really expect us to cheer them for making fun of us? Both sides get the joke. It's all in fun.
I think clapping for them will help discourage the urge of drunkards to boo. People will want to do something when the team coomes out, so let's make it a positive action.
What Bob in Houston said is what I remember.

I don't boo, I save my voice for other, better things, i.e. TD's, 3rd downs on D, etc. Just me.
Good suggestion. Other than booooing mods like Campus Loopy and Texanne when they come to threads slashing troublesome posters like me, I don't boo anyone!

These Rice kids should be cheered and not boo'd during the game. I agree most posters on these boards probably don't boo the other team anyway.

FWIW, My Dad taught me never boo the other team - just cheer for yours. So, I never boo the other guys, but I freely confess I have gleefully engaged in "poooooor aggys" or "pooooor okies" many times during the 4th quarter or after games
I would never boo a team (as opposed to an on-field event) if I respected the institution or fans, such as Rice or Nebraska. I sure don't understand the concept of booing the MOB; they're fantastic.

I boo OU in my sleep, and I boo anyone on the road with an aggy bumper sticker. Piggies get the boo, too.

Likely to Boo: K-State, Sand Aggy, Baylor
Unlikely to Boo: Iowa State, Missouri, Kansas (Mangino excepted)
Depends on my mood: Okie Lite (they'll take it like a MAN), Colorado
Geez. Ya'll are right. We should have the Texas Angels walking in front of the Rice players throwing out rose petals and wearing ***-less chaps while blaring Whitney Houston "The Greatest Love Of All". That's football, baby!!
Lots of class being shown on this thread- thanks guys. I'll tell you though as a former Rice player I'd rather be treated like any other team. If you were going to boo Arkansas, boo Rice. It's the Rice player's job to make you WANT to boo them.
Tough situation for those guys this week, though. If you want to show some respect for what they have had to deal with, maybe you can give them a nice cheer at the end of the game. But, otherwise, I'd say treat them how you would any other team. I'm just hoping was can make a game of it this year---it's been a while.
Good luck.
visiting teams being booed as they enter the field is a fact of life at football games. who cares? anybody really take it personally?

my god.