Texas Exes: Your Overall Thoughts/Ideas?

Hellraiser, did y'all do anything more than just change the name? Was there anything else that made the Thirsty Thursday transition successful? Glad to hear that it worked out.

LA, sucks to hear that the seminar is gone. What is being planned to replace it?

Someone mentioned that he/she is not a member of the Exes, though he/she still gets e-mails. That's not uncommon. Sometimes e-mails go out to members only. Other times e-mails will go out to all in the system.
I went to the last Austin Young Alumni happy hours on west 6th and it had a great turnout. They also teamed up with 2 other organizations which is a good idea for turnout. But once again, what is the goal? With the other Texas Exes groups, they serve as a center for UT away from Austin. In Austin, it is tougher. Oh well.

For example, Dallas has Texas/OU. San Antonio has a big fundraiser in August and game-watching parties...
Fied, did you read my post on the 3rd page? If done the right way, I don't think Austin, compared to other cities, has a problem at all. I'll post again ...

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Mike, I read your response a while back and it is well thought out. I just don't agree with all the statements. I think that the Austin chapter has a lack of identity for a reason. I think that the key to the Austin chapter is to find their role........
Fied, appreciate your response. I guess we can agree to disagree. I don't think there is any question that Austin has an advantage over other cities. Whether or not it gets utilized, though, is a different story ...
As a recent grad (last year) who paid off my Texas Exes Lifer this year (working is nice) - I just have one question, how does one get more involved w/ the Austin chapter? I know I have missed some of the Young Alumni events (work in G-Town, so the timing is off a lot for me). But I would love to contribute more if I could (in time and money).

I would say that the biggest thing is that some of my friends (UT Alumni) ask what do the Exes do? It is a really hard question to answer. (Though granted they are looking more for the "do for you/me?" than just overall.).
Looks like that Young Alumni event is coming up soon.

I was actually under the impression that the "official" Young Alumni demographic was within 10 years of graduation. Didn't know it was essentially 40 and under. That does open up the demo to more people.
For my first 5 years here, the KC Exes were a really strong organization, I got involved early and became an officer almost immediately, we had multiple events, including March 2nd, plus being in KC, we are guaranteed to have 1 "away" football game near us every year- which allows a great fundraising opportunity. The 2000 Kansas Game had a phenominal deal with Johnny's Tavern, a morning breakfast, and beer deal with a post-game special and auction. Holy **** did we bank money for our scholarship- we sold Simms & Major signed mini helmets along with some of the defense guys (Major went for higher

We had monthly postcards sent out during FB season reminding everyone where the game party was, and a quarterly card sent out during the off season to remind everyone about Thirsty Thursdays. I was President from 2002-2003, but eventually counldnt continue due to conflicts of time with my employer.

Since '03 I have been to 4 or 5 events total, I havent received any updates on events, I have no clue who the officers are anymore, and to top it off, up until 6 weeks ago, all the KC chapter directed emails were sent to ME instead of the Chapter officers, even after numerous attempts to get the Exe's site to update that email. My last official acts were in 2003- it took 4 years to get that changed, so that tells you how dead this chapter is now.

One of the officers finally emailed asking who the email was going to about 5 weeks ago, so that finally got fixed.
So it's been a few months. Any new thoughts? Any other towns have any news to share?

To a certain extent, the Austin chapter as a whole kinda seems to be out of operation at the moment. However, the Young Alumni group, which is essentially an Austin group is alive and well. Any Austinines looking for the overall chapter to get back on its feet?
Mike, when you're in town we should touch base. I would like to help out more and have some ideas but would like to bounce them off some more people.

It is obvious that the Texas Exes main chapter wants a strong Austin chapter.
Mike, good thread. I'm posting a little late on this subject, but here goes...
I'm a Texas Exes life member and live in Austin. I attended several Austin chapter events soon after I moved back several years ago but haven't been involved in any functions in over a year. What little time I've spent at events, I could tell there were some hardworking people trying to operate the chapter and looking for help. I'd like to see the Austin chapter grow and thrive. So, to that end, I'll help any way I can.

As far as my comments on the value of the Texas Ex-Students Association, I concur with many of the reasons previously posted by those in support and also those wanting to see more from the association. The awarding of scholarships by individual chapters is huge and very impressive. When I resided in Seattle, I participated in the Puget Sound Chapter events. They had one huge BBQ each summer at Gasworks Park with briskets and sausage flown in from Austin fresh off the pit. That was impressive and lots of fun.

I believe strongly enough in membership in TX Exes that I am giving my two children life memberships when they graduate from UT this year. (Believe me, paying them out through the associate life membership plan is the only way to go!) Regarding competition for the dollar between the association, athletics and the various colleges, I believe that is a fact. I support UT through education and athletics and, like most folks, have only so much to spend on donations. Instead of supporting TX Exes' scholarship programs, my money typically is spread out between the colleges of fine arts and engineering and the LHF.
This May I'll be finishing with putting two boys through UT and paying for 18 semesters of tuition/fees, room and board, and incidentals such as beer. That's not semester HOURS, that's semesters. No scholarships, no nuthin'. My last gesture as I send the younger one out into the world will be a Life Membership in Texas Exes. So now Mom, Dad, #1 Son, (plus Daughter-in-Law),and #2 Son will all be Life Members. I'm saying Uncle.

If I ever have any money again, I may donate some, but the other night when Mom and I were adding up all we've spent since Fall 2000, I'm really not in the mood right now. Hate to sound cheap, but there it is.

On to the subject matter. I think the Texes Exes web site needs an easily-identifiable button named 'Member Perks' or the like. If it's there, I can't find it.

My membership card has long since faded away, but as a Life Member with a number of 6xxx, I'm ready for a perk or two.

Anyone out there think we should start a chapter in Dripping Springs?
As with anything, you get back what you're willing to put into it. I just recently became active again with the Exes. The Houston chapter is well organized and offers a great networking structure, young professionals happy hour, key note speaking engagements and other events around the city such as an evening at the Houston Symphony, etc...

Now I know many of you in smaller markets won't see such happenings with your chapters but it takes your getting involved before you begin to see any return from your annual or lifetime paid dues. There's much more potential with this orgnaization than I believe most realize. However it doesn't just fall into your lap, you have to be willing to go after it.

Texas doesn't become great on it's own, we must create it ourselves.

My own kid, hopefully, will be admitted for the upcoming fall. As I mentioned previously, I'd like to make a single contribution for a (4) year undergraduate membership instead of a series of separate yearly contributions. Surely the EXES would like to get their money all at once rather than hoping I remember to renew each year. If the option for making a single 4 year purchase for new students has already been added I haven't heard of it yet. Seems like a pretty logical and attractive pitch to proud parents who are about to send their kid to UT. Put that in a flyer to go to incoming freshman and I'd bet you get a fair response and some $$$.
The new TexasExes.org website went live this morning. Along with it is the new Texas Exes logo. Below is a picture of the new sticker ...


Looks similar to before, but a little different. Font is different and horse shoe is a bit wider. Script in ribbon below it. Website seems to be a little more user-friendly. Looks like there are still a few bugs/broken links to work out. Though, I'm sure it will be solid in a few short days.
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I am not a Texas Ex but have loved the University and have been a Longhorn fan since 1961. I have been a dues paying member of the Texas Exes since 1991 and have not missed a home game at the Alumni Center since then, during which time I have spent a TON of money at the center on food, beverages and assorted game day gear. I am a season ticket holder and a member of the Longhorn Foundation as well and feel as much a part of the University as any former student, and frankly your elitist attitude affends me...as I am sure it does the majority of the Texas Exes.
I received a Life Membership from my parents when I graduated in 1968. Other than the Alcalde, I haven't had any benefit I can think of right quick. But now, with the kiddos gone, I may try and attend some things with the Houston Chapter, and go to the Alumni Center next time I am in Austin.

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