Texas Exes: Your Overall Thoughts/Ideas?

You can request the financials from any chapter. I as the assistant treasurer for the Dallas Texas Exes in 2005. The only thing that we spent on the officers was the rental of the room where we held meetings and some refreshments for during the meetings. It came to a total of about 1% of our budget. The profit from everything else (OU tailgate, gold tourney, TID, etc.) went straight into the scholarship fund.

If you want to know the truth, get a little involved and you will see how wrong you are.
One of the reasons for starting this thread was to see the raw opinions out there. Glad that it seems to be working. There seem to be a number of misconceptions out there regarding the Exes. Hopefully, if nothing else, this will provide a means of improving the Exes experience for all.

Scholarships are one the most important priorities of the Exes. The Exes are one of, if not the only, Texas-specific scholarship programs in respective local communities. Of course some larger chapters are able to give out more that others. However, all chapters that take part are doing a great thing ... providing local students with financial assistance, however big or small, to attend The University. In some cases, if it weren't for the efforts of their respective local organization, said students may not otherwise have the opportunity to attend, finaicially speaking. It really is a good thing. It's a shame that some out there don't see this alone as a worthy enough cause to get involved.

One of the things that often gets overlooked is atmosphere, or The University experience. Not everyone lives in Austin. For most cities out there, the closest thing you have to DKR-TMS on GameDay is your local chapter. The closest thing you have to being on campus is the camaraderie and fellowship of your local chapter. Events like banquets, game watches, speaking engagements ... all are designed to keep you connected to The University ... moreso than just a routine e-mail. Many of those who attend said local functions, and more importantly continue to do so, probably do it because of the friends they have met and because of the great time they have. Who doesn't need more Longhorns in their life? If you have a never given your local chapter a chance ... try it out once or twice. You will probably be surprised how much you enjoy yourself. If you are unsatisfied with your local chapter, then get involved and help make it better. Again, you might be surprised how much you enjoy yourself.

One problem that seems to come up alot is, right or wrong, the Texas Exes and the Longhorn Foundation seem to be in competition with each other. Not direct competition, rather competition for participation from members and donations from members. If one donates to the Foundation, they usually won't also donate to another group, namely the Exes. It can be the same the other way around, though not as often. The reason is because the Foundation is more of a tangible ourganization. When you donate, you get season ticket priorities, etc.. When you donate to the Exes, you get peace of mind knowing you are making a difference. For alot, that is not enough. In this what's-in-it-for-me day and age, people want something in return. This is where the Foundation has an advantage. The suggestion above about more discounts is a good one. It would be nice to see the Exes provide more practical benefits. This might get more people interested and active. It would be nice if scholarship and fellowship were enough though.

Business Networking is a very under-utilized practice for the Exes. There are a few programs through Austin that provide this. And even though they are open to all members, most people don't use them or don't even know about them. So it comes back to the local levels. The larger, big-boy chapters like Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christi have Business Network events which can prove to be successful. Other chapters might benefit from having something similar. It probably doesn't take much to get started locally, just a little planning and a few local connections.

There are a number benefits to being a member of the Exes that people don't know about. Parking was already mentioned. The Co-op discount alone has already allowed me to "earn" my money back for being a life member. Yes, I have spent that much at the Co-op over the years. I bet if some of y'all added up how much y'all have spent, the Exes discount would pay dividends for y'all as well. The discount is good through the Co-op website too, so you don't have to live in Austin to take advantage of it. GameDay parties are nice, but they do get crowded. The sticker is nice to have on your vehicle. However, if you are a Life Member and are not further invloved ... that then becomes one expensive sticker! Another good suggestion was more practical trips offered through the Flying Longhorns program, not involving a football game. There is probably a way where this can happen, right?

These are things that can probably get done if people voice opinions. All are great suggestions. Let's keep them coming. However, this discussion only yields results if calls are made to Austin or by communicating with your local organization. Otherwise, how will anyone find out about how things can change in a positive way?
I know that for a lot of the folks I graduated with, $750 seemed like a lot of money right out of school. I know that greatly contributed to a lot of people I know not joining. Most of those people are engineers and accountants, though, so maybe we are just cheap.
I know it is good for an organization to have more members.

It is just that Texas-Ex means Ex student. Have the organization folded into the Exes if you want, but someone driving around with a Texas-Ex sticker has the appearance that they went to school at UT.

IMO it dilutes it for those of us who did graduate from Texas.

If you will take anyone who walks off the street, then the organization should have been called Texas Fans or something else.
Loco is correct. Being that scholarships is one of the biggest priorities of the organization, money ... even if coming from non-graduates/students ... is still money. All of the arguments against having the Exes open to everyone are good points. One of the arguments supporting it, though, is that the organization, even though it's name inplies graduation from The University, supports our school financially through different programs. More importantly, it provides scholarships to students. It's the largest organization around that provides UT-specific scholarships. And since we are talking about names ... we are The University of Texas ... a public university. To a certain extent, one could argue THE University of Texas belongs to the State of Texas and thus ... belongs to her citizens as a whole, not just her graduates. That is a huge thing that sets us apart from A&M, even though they are public as well. That being said, the Exes provides everyone the opportunity to support THE State of Texas' Flagship University. If someone didn't have the opportunity to attend Texas, joining the Exes is the next best thing. Not because they want to pretend like they went to Texas, but because they assist in helping the next generations in attending our fine school.

Putting that aside for a second, it always amazes me how many people don't know all of the benefits of being a member. Granted, one has to be somewhat proactive in learning all of said benefits. There should probably be a better effort made to let all members know about benefits. Regardless though, I imagine more people would, at the least, join the membership so they could take advantage. Case in point being the Co-op discount. I am surprised at how many people don't know about the Exes 10% discount at the Co-op. Over the years, I have spent enough money at that store to where life membership pays for itself ... and then some. Yes, I can do math and have spent that much at the Co-op over the years.

What are some opinions regarding y'alls respective local chapters?
I couldn't afford the life membership when I graduated and just never decided to pony up. My son won the Williamson County Texas Exes Scholarship in 1996, for which he sent a letter of sincere gratitude.

When he graduated, I advised him to take his grandmother's graduation present and walk across San Jacinto and write'em out a check, which he did.

He also walked across Guadalupe that same week to buy the same Balfour senior ring I bought in 1969 and was told that it no longer existed. In place of the Longhorn on one side and the seal of The University on the other is a minuscule hodgepodge of a tower, mustangs, a likely 1/32 of an inch high Longhorn and, lastly and on one entire side, a "UTEX".

I have a pretty good idea why this happened and who made it happen: an advertisement on the ring of every graduate and evident shame to be a Longhorn, a symbol of a time when Texas was the frontier.

But there's nothing to do about it now. My son from time to time does look wistfully at my ring and others of my friends.

From one who's missed five home games since 1968, the last on the day of the Kansas game in 2005 when my son was married.
I graduated in 1991 and got that same ring.

Thought I misplaced it and couldn't find it for three years. Got a phone call from a guy who found it at a salvage yard. I had a big rig hit my SUV and total it several years earlier and it must have been in it.

Got lucky as hell.
The mission of the Texas Exes is to Praise, Promote, and Protect the University of Texas.

Getting involved in your local chapter has huge benefits - just not the kind that put money in your pocket. Local chapters allow a good networking opportunity and keeps one in touch with the University. This is especially true with out-of-state chapters.

I have rotated through the offices in both the Boston and Twin Cities (MN) chapters. I am currently the treasurer for the Twin Cities group. We have game watching parties, annual events such as the Texas Independence Day Celebration and a fall BBQ, and other events as warranted or requested. We've done Paddlewheeler rids on the St. Croix, Twins games and we join in for an annual tailgate with other Big 12 schools at a St. Paul Saints game. We have social events such as Thirsty Thursdays and Fiesta Fridays.

Everyone that attends reinforces a strong bond to the University. The Boston chapter has given scholarships for years and the Twin Cities chapter will give their first scholarship for a student this fall.

(With apologies to JFK), it isn't necessarily about what the Texas Exes can do for you, but what you can do for the University.
I believe the "uniform" rings started in 2000, with ArtCarved as the maker. Now, there is a new "uniform" ring, with Balfour as maker. I am not sure on policy for pre-2000 graduates. I imagine the only option is to purchase the current ring. I don't think one can purchase a model from the 70's, to use an example.
I'd love to get involved in the chapter here in Austin, but the website is HORRIBLE. I've emailed twice anyone know where to find Thirsty Thursdays? Anyone out there in the Austin chapter, I'd love to get involved...
So, my advice, website updates. Going back to the main board sucked. The old website at least was updated more frequently..
The uniform rings started in 1995 I think. I got mine in 1997, but I had friends that had them in 1996. Art-carved did them back then, doesn't look like Balfour changed the design. I didn't even know that Balfour was still around given that their parent company went out of business in the late 90's.
My parents paid for a Lifetime Membership when I graduated in December, I haven't done anything yet, except put the license plate cover on my T-Ruck.
Cowgirl, it does suck when groups don't keep their online information up-to-date. It's a shame that you would like to get involved and have attempted contact, yet you get no response because information seems to be old. There probably are others in the same situation. Have you tried calling the main (800) number? If nothing else, you should be able to get more information through someone who directly works with the chapter you are trying to reach. That's one suggestion.
A friend of mine has a kiddo who will be a freshman at UT this coming fall. I bought him a student membership in the "Exes" assn. I wish I could've bought him a 4 year membership. It cost more for the exes to pay the clerk to take my credit card than it cost me to give the gift, $15. I'd have preferred the option to just give the kid a mbrship for his time at UT than just a single year and then going to the co-op to spend the remainder of the amount I'd set aside for his present.
I thought you could pay out a four year student membership? Even if having to pay yearly though, $15/year is change. Not a bad price ...
i live in nyc, and the local texas exes chapter up here is great.

from game-day parties at sponsored bars, chili cook-offs, thirsty-thursdays, trips to PA and NJ to watch the bball team, job networking, etc. it's really been a great way to connect with other texans and stay current with the university when you're living so far-removed from all things "texan".

plus, i finally got my exes keychain in the mail last week, having taken the "slow boat" method of paying off the membership dues ($25 every-other month). now i just have to figure out what i'm gonna do with the license plate holder...

I have been a life member since graduation in 1968 by virtue of a gift from my parents. I didn't know about the parking and Coop discount. I enjoy the Alcalde and with the Coop coming to Houston not too far from me, I am feeling better. I have never attended a Houston event, not sure why. In early years working hard at a law factory and then later the marriage and kids routine. Now, with kids gone, maybe I will take another look at what they do and try to join in sometime.
While traveling through NYC, I've been to a few of their events over the years. I can also say that they have a good Exes up in the city.

Good point about the new Co-op in Houston. Every Texas Ex in the area should take advantage of their discount at the Co-op!
notanative wrote: "And about TID - let's can talk of resurrecting that. It's s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o BONFIRE to keep talking about it!!!"

I think you're name probably explains that more than anything. As the TID chair and an officer of the LA Chapter I guess I'll just pack up and stop having it, since it's soooo aggy and apparently racist.

Anyway, the LA Exes have a lot of events, 2 - 3 major ones a year, we've started combining events with the OC Chapter and even have one with the SD and OC chapters coming up. All in an effort to support UT, have a great time hanging with fellow Texans or Longhorns and provide scholarship money for students. When I wasn't involved other than showing up to drink, I didn't really see what the big deal was and felt it was a waste. But since I've gotten more involved, I see it's about the people. Whether it's hanging out at a game watching party, cooking bar-b-q from Salt Lick we get shipped out, seeing donations made and a student from Cali that probably couldn't have gone to UT getting to go makes it worth it. Would I like UT to be less restrictive? Yes. It's a HUGE deal to get autographed items for silent auctions, which brings in a lot of money for scholarship fund, well it used to. As well as other things.

Like someone before alluded to, if you are more involved you get more out of it for sure. Granted not everyone can be as involved. But those that are see the real value in it.
Mike I had forgotten about this thread until I saw it back at the top. The LA EXes do not do the Seminar anymore. After 20 glorious years it went the way of the dodo. It was a great program, always full of great students, but I will save my less than nice comments about the University, which played a major factor in the Seminar's demise.

We are looking at other ways of offering the benefits that Seminar gave. It won't be the same format but will be just as beneficial.

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