We forced 8 turnovers in the first quarter....got ZERO points off of them.
We were playing so over-the-top....too high to start the game. Had we made any of those 6 missed layups in the 1st quarter, we could have kept it close.....for awhile.
Face it: Mulkey's a better coach than Geno.....better that Pat S. ever was. As much as I dislike her antics, she's the best coach in women's basketball-----PERIOD!
Loved how she exploited every match-up.
As for us, it's time to just throw that game in the trash and regroup. An fyi for Coach Aston: It's so hard to have a lefty guarding a lefty.....why did you continue to put Ariel in that situation? 3 of her fouls were due, totally, to the lefty on left match-up. Oh well. On to Okie City. Hope we get another shot at Baylor on a neutral site at the tournament. Maybe, just maybe, the 3rd time will be the charm, this year.
Not only was our team way too high to start the game, our coaches needed to see that. Use a timeout....just like Mulkey did a few minutes into the game....straighten things out.....let'em calm down and try to compete with a really good team.
We're not as inferior to Baylor as the score indicated. Next time we play them, we need to slow the game down, play with intensity and not be over-zealous. Being too high is as bad as being flat.