Texas at KSU, game 2

Chambers left open twice, buried 3s each time. Horns need to make a push soon. Can't understand why they play like this on the road. Looks like the basket has a lid on it.
9 straight for Texas!
46-35. down to 11 pt edge for KSU from a high of 20.
Do the Horns have another big run in them?
Let's go, Texas. Gotta dig deep and win ugly cuz pretty ain't happening.
not looking good down 15 with 3 minutes to go and Horns shooting less than 30% from the field. KSU has had good D on Chas but she has missed some open looks, like everyone else on the team. Don't know what it is about the road.
Texas is going to go to 1-5 in road games. Simply too many unforced TOs and unable to hit shots, pretty much the story.

Really puts the pressure to go at least 3-1 in the next four.
Baylor is up next in Waco.
Crushing loss. The lack of depth is a killer, you cannot beat big 12 teams with one guard coming off the bench. Have got to gut it out and finish the season as best as they can. And I'm going to be extremely disappointed about not making the tournament, but it's understandable given the plethora of injuries. If this team doesn't show MARKED improvement as a team then GG doesn't get a year 7 in my book. Keep working to get better, and get through this season as best we can
Cokie was 0-5 and Ashley Gayle was 0-2 from the field. They are at least 2 inches taller than Jalana Childs from KSU, yet they failed to score ANY points?

Anderson was 1-8 from the floor.

Gayle and Anderson are seniors, no? So much for senior leadership.

This season has seen a new low in Texas women's basketball. Disgusting.
Nope I know I had a better night than you did. need some drinks to drown your sorrows? LMAO.

Can't wait for Baylor to pound on Texas. That will be a NIGHT to remember.
Again, the team just couldn't put together 40 minutes of play at the level needed to compete. Tough loss. Let's hope they can regroup and give Baylor hell on Tuesday. Figuring out how to dig out a win is one of the things I love best about sports!
Watch out everyone. It appears a certain west coast fan has a obsession/crush on coach G. Should we warn her that she has a crazy stalker?

Go Horns. Beat the Baptists.
It's obvious the moderators just don't give a rat's *** about what gets posted on this site. Actively cheering for the other team??? Hell I understand your dislike of Goestenkors, but I think I'm permanently done with this site, if individuals are allowed to openly cheer for the other team.
Disgusting is losing year in and year out at a cost of 1 million dollars minimum per year. Texas deserves better...even you know it!

Oops. Just got in from a party and decided to check in. Looks like Gail's stalker is still around. Don't worry she doesn't date someone in your tax bracket.

Go horns. Beat the bears.



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