Texas Abortion Law

@horninchicago , do you know who the jackass is that decided we can't pull the armrests up in coach? I have a nasty-*** bruise on my leg because of him.
Where and when did THIS occur?

Granted, it was pre-pandemic, but I remember the jack wagon complaining on a domestic flight about me having the aisle armrest up (yeah, I knew where the latch was) on take-off and the flight attendant telling him basically to shut up, that I was not violating any guidelines...
Not aware of any regulation about those being down for takeoff and landing.

I think exit row seats arm rests are fixed and have the tray table in the arm rest. Were you in an exit row?
Just your row? I’ve seen this before but not all rows.

I didn't check other rows but didn't see any others up.

Not aware of any regulation about those being down for takeoff and landing.

I think exit row seats arm rests are fixed and have the tray table in the arm rest. Were you in an exit row?

I wasn't in an exit row. By the way, you do know that in my mind I sorta blame you for any hassle I have with an airline, right? I'm not sure why, but on some level, I hold you responsible. Lol.
I didn't check other rows but didn't see any others up.

I wasn't in an exit row. By the way, you do know that in my mind I sorta blame you for any hassle I have with an airline, right? I'm not sure why, but on some level, I hold you responsible. Lol.
I understand. I do the same with you any time I am trouble with The Law.
I'd really like to see Texas come out with a free contraceptive approach. I'm not a big fan of paying for this but in my opinion this is one of those "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" issues. Many, if not most, of societies ills can be traced back to poverty and then poverty to young unprepared mothers trying to raise children they didn't plan for.

1. it just makes economic sense. lower crime expenses, lower welfare, lower assistance programs, lower drug use and on and on
2. it would blunt some of the criticism that comes from the vein of "GOP doesn't care about women".

The best outcome for the woman is to never get pregnant to begin with if it is not a planned pregnancy. spending money to help make that a reality is money well spent in my opinion. we have roughly 1MM women that are likely in the "definitely not ready for a baby, but I'm having sex" category. probably half that would need/want gov help. we could make a program that offered highly discounted contraceptives. spend about $60mm and do worlds of good and preventative care.
is it bad form to respond/quote your own post?

Anyway, there were a couple of valid points about even Free contraceptives still require the woman (hopefully at some point in the future...Men as well) to do a little planning.

However, in practical political logic, proposing and supporting a Free/subsidized contraceptive plan would do a great deal to blunt much of the "GOP doesn't care about women" hyperbole. Obviously it is not an accurate charge, but it has proven to be an effective political slogan. Sometimes perception is more important than reality. So even if the plan doesn't yield a high number of increased "protected" women, the GOP can point to it and say "see, we provided Free contraceptives". This was entirely a CHOICE.
There are big problems with this law right? I am all for banning abortion. But doesn't this bill just incentivize citizens to spy on each other and snitch? That's not where we want to go as a society. Better to just thumb our nose at DC and say "Come And Take It."
There are big problems with this law right? I am all for banning abortion. But doesn't this bill just incentivize citizens to spy on each other and snitch? That's not where we want to go as a society. Better to just thumb our nose at DC and say "Come And Take It."

I would guess that if Roe is overturned, the Texas law will be amended significantly.
I had a large human pull up my armrest while I was in a middle seat.
He did so and allowed him to take up 1/4 of my seat while I flew leaned to the left about 10 degrees.

Lesson learned. I put them down quick.

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