This is the key element here. This is the sad thing. The feminist movement which brought about abortion "rights" is an attempt to give women the ability to escape responsibility for children that men have taken advantage of historically.
Like many issues, people have correctly identified a problem (men shirking responsibility), but instead of holding men accountable, they have sought to give women a way to escape responsibility so that they can be "equal".
You're not wrong on any of this. In fact, it might be the best post you've ever done here. However, I think it's also worth noting that the men shirking responsibility issue is a little like the welfare issue. It's raised in bad faith. Suppose we agreed to massively toughen up the laws on deadbeat dads to the point that unpaid child support virtually didn't exist anymore. (I'm not sure how we'd do that, but let's suppose we did.) Would the Left then agree to major restrictions on abortion? No, they wouldn't, because that isn't the real issue either.
I think it's also worth noting that though this issue is framed as a men v. women issue, in practice, it's not. Abortion protects the man from consequences as well. Obviously an abortion saves the low-life dude from child support (and embarrassment if the child was conceived in an extramarital affair), and plenty of these males (can't give them the respect of calling them men) encourage, pressure, and finance the abortion. (See Jeffrey Toobin whose most perverse act wasn't beating off on a company Zoom call, as gross as that was.
Link. And how screwed up is it that his gross but relatively harmless jerk-off session got him into trouble but trying to have his child killed to protect his own *** didn't?)
The real answer is first to evangelize the country. Then hold men to the priority of sex in marriage only and Biblical morality. Then families, churches, neighborhoods, governments make sure that men don't shirk their responsibilities to their children when they attempt it.
Very true, and we'd wildly diminish massive social and cultural problems if we didn't have non-marital sex. Hell, we'd greatly diminish a lot of them if we just made it the exception rather than the rule. Abortion is the ugliest facet of it, but there are other big ones - crime, drug abuse, child poverty, and many more. None of these problems would go completely away because we'd still be human, but we'd put one hell of a dent in all of them.
And what about the problem of guys stringing women along for years and not marrying them (which of course hurts our population growth)? That would pretty much end.
But in our amazing wisdom in secular America, we kill babies. Just kill those who can't speak out. Totally sickening and cowardly.
It's our greatest moral stain. We constantly self-flagellate over slavery and segregation, and those were terrible things. We should condemn them, but we've got a full scale holocaust of millions of innocent children put to death and thrown away like garbage. It doesn't get much more depraved than that.