Tell me somethin' good...

Honey bee colonies reached a 23-year high this year in April

Love love love this. Never underestimate the power of a single person committed to doing something good.

Here is slightly longer version of this story
Hosted by the lovely Frida Pinto
Great series altogether on the natural beauty of India

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Man regains consciousness after 15 years in vegetative state

Sirigu and her team stimulated the nerve by implanting a device underneath the skin in his chest, similar to a pacemaker, and sending electrical currents along the nerve to the brain stem. They saw improvement after just a month, but six months later, he was able to move and consciously respond to external stimuli.

The man still suffers severe brain damage and cannot speak, but he was able to follow movement with his eyes, turn his head when someone was speaking to him and even appeared to cry upon hearing his favorite song.

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