TDF 2008

It was a fun tour.

I guess I will never understand this tradition of not attacking on the last day. Not that it is possible to surmount Sastre's lead at this point, but it would be fun to see Evans engage in a breakaway tomorrow.

Oh well.

I wonder if Evans can get more support on his team for next year?

The American teams were impressive. Cavendish should compete for green next year. Garmin Chipotle will definitely be contending for GC next year.

Vive Le Tour!
Seeing what I believe was a lack of quality and dominant riders in the last three years, does anyone thing if Lance would have maintained his motivation and training, he could have won three more to make it 10 straight with Brunyall (?) and Disco? As improbable as it seems, with the disqualifications the past two years, and this year's lack of makes you wonder. Sure, I'm probably myopic in my fandom, but still I like to think he would have been favored.
Sure, why not? But I don't think he had it in him to keep going so that may have cost him on a climb at some point. Who knows. I think many of the riders think this as well and know that they may not very well be the best cyclist in the world, he is. Still, possibly.

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