TDF 2008

Apparently this was expected. They have been saying for months now that he is an amazing sprinter and the results are obvious. His acceleration in the last 100-150 meters are out of this world.
It's too bad that Petacchi and Boonen are not in the race this year. Along with Cavendish, there could have been some (even more) epic sprints this year.
I think they would be on the back wheel also, just like Robbie McEwen (did I spell that right?). Even he said as much as the young Brit is his better. At least yesterday he did. Then again he was working by himself it seemed.
Tomorrow is going to be interesting: an incredible climb to 9000 feet (!) is towards the beginning. Then they race down for 30k, race across a valley for 75km, and then a very steep mountaintop finish.


Then they have a rest day, and then the two days which will probably determine the tour and look to me to be the toughest stretch of mountaintop riding that I can ever remember. I mean, when Alp D' Huez is the EASIEST mountain that you climbe in two days of riding you know you are in for a world of hurt.

It's just amazing to me, how these guys do it.

Oh yeah, and then on the last day before Paris, there is that little 53km Time Trial. It's pretty flat but because it zigzags along it's going to be hard to get into any kind of rhythm and will force a lot of accelerations and decelerations.

I really think this is the hardest Tour I can remember with the exception of the fact that it hasn't been too hot.
Don't know if the TDF will ever be the same for me without Armstrong. He was there on every uphill finish. Dusted everyone.

I'm on vacation this week - which days do I need to Tivo?
I would record them all badexcuse but if you can't I think the critical ones are Stages 16 to 18. I am not an expert but I think the final winner will make a move on these stages.
I am still up but not nec. because of this sure to be fantastic stage coming up, but it helps. It is set to Tivo in case I let myself down and fall asleep.

Sleep, so overrated.
What he said.

I love when something is hyped and it delivers.

My thoughts on the doping. It sucks but cycling will survive, just like baseball, football and other sports do. The fans really don't care in the end as long as the abusers get caught. I think the fans of cycling care more that they get a stiff penalty. Baseball fans really don't give a **** as they pack stadiums to watch the users.

There will always be doubt on any cyclist who shows great strength and mental will. They will be tested to no end as well. That is the way it has become and I am find with that. If you did not dope you have nothing to fear. I credit the cycling authorities for knowing of and keeping up with the latest doping agents and being able to test for them.

Baseball should take a page from their book. But baseball knows how many of their athletes are drugged up and they don't want that getting out.
In the commentators' competition it is Craig 21, Paul 9, Bob 7 and Phil 5. It is going to be hard for them to catch Craig with that big lead with just 6 stages left. He has done well indeed.
I agree Horneius. Tomorrow is probably going to be a deciding stage. It is definitely one not to be missed. I won't be able to watch it live but my recorder will be on. If anyone watches just one stage of this great race this one (no. 17) is it!
I used to be a really big fan of the TDF, but the constant cheating killed it for me. It's a real shame that this issue reared its ugly head again this year.

And I'm not trying to threadshit. I just wish it would get its act together and take its rightful place as one of the premier athletic contests on the planet.
Another amazing stage today.


CSC just pounded the alp d'Huez today. Cancellera and Voigt to begin with, followed by the schlecks, and utter and complete domination by Sastre.

Evans needs to put in hell of a TT!

Turning out to be helluva tour
Beware of any one team dominating a stage. Look what happened the last time that happened in this race...

And look at the Blue Train.
What a freakin' stage!

Montag, I do think that the cheating has been significantly reduced and will continue to be reduced over time. The penalties have just grown so huge. It isn't just one rider these days, the whole team is impacted AND sponsorships are going away. Saugnier Duval is now no longer going to sponsor a team.

Also, did you see how the dopers are now being caught? The manufacturers who manufacture the drugs are putting telltale "marking" molecules in them.

Check this out:

The Link

In reply to:

Stage 20 is not one to be missed. It will decide it all.
Craig also cinches the commentator's yellow jersey as he gets the only points on Stage 19 with Erik Zabel coming in fourth. Ironically he had last choice today. He now leads with a cinching 22 points followed by Bob with 11, Paul with 9 and Phil with 5.
I liked that group of commentators. They made it fun and gave good insight. I loved the coverage of the cars of the riders and the behind the scenes looks.

Great stage. Cadel either just did not have it or a certain winner of the TDF rode his bestest time trial evah. Impressive. I really thought he was going to bonk midway through, then 3/4 the way through. Nope, this was his day. Viva Espana.

Winners of the Euro and winners of the Tour.

As was mentioned on tv there are some really good and exciting young riders that prove to make the next few years very interesting and fun to watch. Can't wait.

CSC. Can you say, domination? I like Garmin-Chipotle and think they had a great showing for a new team. Both US teams did well and represented. I wish them both well.

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