Let's review what satchel and chango are now on record as believing:
If you believe that more than 50 percent of the country should pay taxes, you are in violation of almost everything Christ stood for.
He claims to know our opinions on the death penalty, revenge or other social issues, solely on whether we think more than half the country should pay income tax.
He claims that if we don't like half the country not paying taxes, that we do not love our enemies, that we don't turn the other cheek, that we do not pray for our enemies, that we curse our enemies, that we judge people without cause, that we do not hunger and thirst after righteousness (I'm convinced he doesn't know what this verse means since he quoted it despite it having nothing to do with the question), that we are unforgiving, and that we don't give to the poor.
Oh, and in the same post that he accuses us of being judgmental with absolutely no backup to that statement, he then condemns us to Hell because he believes we are in violation of Matthew 25 - even though he hasn't the faintest idea whether any of us have done anything for the poor or not.