Jesus agreed that our sins deserved the death penalty, and paid that penalty. "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even though he dies, shall live."
So, to him it was justice, but to us it was grace.
Satchel, if the core of all you are saying is 1. all people are hypocrites, including Christians, and 2. Christians, who have been given so much grace spiritually should be generous in this life both spiritually and materially, then I have to agree with you.
Where I disagree is with the OP that implies or says that Christians are somehow more hypocritical, or especially so, or less generous, or are not authentic--especially in a debate about how our bloated, inefficient, wasteful, immoral federal government chooses to reallocate resources based upon a belief system that is openly hostile to Christians. Nothing Jesus said or stood for told us we had to support (or not support) the particular agenda Barrack Obama and Nancy Pelosi happen to have this year. I.e., this is a political topic and the reference to Christianity was purely a bigoted personal attack, and based on false presumptions.
Sorry, got to go to church now, to praise my Lord! Truly we have been given so much, and I hope that your criticism, even though I resist it, will remind me to pursue generosity more faithfully.
We do all need criticism, I'll try to benefit from yours.