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Frankly, I don't recall any white male mass shooter shouting out, "In the name of Jesus Christ" as he killed people, but maybe that's just me.
The left misunderstands - and I think in some cases honestly - the difference between being a disciple of Christ and what I would consider "cultural Christianity." The fact that someone's family attended or attends worship service of some sort, or the fact that a person at one point was part of a religious group in some tangental way qualifies them for being "Christian" for many people, including a lot of Christians.
In most cultures, religion is attached to nationality in some way, and we've tried to attach Christianity with American culture for a long time. That's not how it was ever supposed to work. Whether it sounds like the "No true Scottsman" falacy or not, it's a fact that no disciple of Christ would ever be inspired to kill innocents in the name of religion based on actual teachings of Jesus. That's like arguing that a health food guru who says we should stop eating hamburgers is to blame for someone burning down a Whataburger. (Actually that analogy doesn't really fit the argument I just made, but it's still a good analogy in other contexts of this discussion, so I'm leaving it in.)
They don't believe in the power of prayer, so they view it as a waste. Furthermore, they imply that the person praying doesn't really or certainly shouldn't believe it has any real use.
Again, they don't get how prayer works, and many Christians don't, either. Praying after something like this isn't about stopping these acts from happening. The Bible is pretty clear that bad people will always do bad things, and God is not going to step in and keep us from killing each other if that's what we decide to do.
Christian prayers after a tragedy are for strength to maintain our faith, to be comforted, to keep serving God, to ask God to help those survivors.
We really can shore up background check laws. The issue with Dylann Roof was whoever was doing the background check approved him even though he was flagged in the system.
I'd definitely be open to doing a comprehensive study on how these guns are being obtained, and why the approval process seems to be failing. But that requires actual work, time, and thought. It's easier to yell stuff and pass more laws.