Super Regional Texas v. East Carolina

No he wasn't, besides no umpire will give you that call because it's an insult to baseball and even close to average intelligence. The mental errors make it look like this team just wants to go home and start their summer.

His foot was on the bag before the tag was applied. Even the tv guys said he was safe. But yeah, bonehead move on his part to be looking at home.
This ******** of not calling out the ump is awful. If that had been the rule in the 80s & 90s, Randy Christal would have not only ejected every player at Disch Falk, but also every fan.
Why is Gordon throwing the ball at the middle of the plate when the ump is giving a foot outside?
Well, our bats are going to have to heat up to get us the W today…


Fortunately, it’s not at all out of reach for our lineup.
This is eastern NC. Columbia and Charleston have similar redneck fans.
Visited our jarhead son at LeJeune a few years back and went to a Jacksonville 'bbq joint'. I didn't see brisket on the menu but asked for it. The waiter said 'You're from Texas, arn'cha?'

It's a wasteland. Beautiful sites, but crappy humans. And bbq...
Where is the Texas fight from this team! That’s where we lack because, once something doesn’t go our way we just give up and don’t make an effort to push through. If we lose today this was a very disappointing season to say the least.
6-2 going to T6.

Horns are running dangerously low on innings to rally. Especially with our bullpen while ECU will prolly get more runs.
Is Bill James still alive? If he is, does he have his mental faculties in place?

If the answers to both those is "yes", then he needs to be our new pitching coach and hitting coach.
I had my doubts about both of these teams going in. I no longer have doubts about them, that's a sound team. No way Texas deserved a 9 seed. I hate that it ends this way. But it was going to end early in Omaha anyway.
EC fan base is the OU fan base of the Carolina’s. They root more against their opponent than they root for their team. Classless. The baseball team doesn’t seem that way, they just play ball for the most part.

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