Stoops welcomes booted LSU lineman

Given that TexPete's contact is on the LSU staff, I'm going to trust him on this one.

Seriously, how bad must you have been to get booted by Les freakin' Miles?
Maybe he had 3 strikes against him, BI (3 of the same strikes) & topped it off by missing teams meetings.

Of course, this is all speculation
Oh, I've known you quite some time Pete & know you know what went down but, the fact remains that you didn't have a link or readable source.
Didn't say you were incorrect.
I have a feeling that if I got on a Tennessee web site and started trash talking about how Les Miles owns Phil Fulmer, and Vols players are ganstas, I'd be banned in a heartbeat.
I vouch for TexPete's source. If anybody else cares to validate their source somewhere, I will do the same for you. Otherwise, shut it and adore your cheating program.
If I identify my source, I won't have a source anymore, get it?
Some people here know who it is, and most don't.

The source said Jones "is terrible," not that he sucks. Ever stop th think he means terrible as a person? There were constant problems with the guy.
I think of it like a hot girl that is mental and nothing but trouble. But hey, she looks hot! You can warn the other new guy about the baggage but hey, some guys like drama and what goes with it and take that risk. They get tail no matter how they can and then justify it, or try to. To them it is quantity over quality. Winning and cheating go hand in hand.

You are trying to justify to a fanbase of a program famous for its cheating and inability to earn accolades or titles without doing so...proven over time by fact. Something that just gets in the way before the next clever excuse comes along.