srsly, are you READING the VIP emails?

Amazing - Franchione was a well-respected coach, with succesful stints at Texas State, TCU, and a quick stop at Bama. He moves to Collie Station, loses his mind, and torpedoes his career.

Note to next aggy coach - DO NOT drink the Kool-Aid. Tell them to sing, sway, and do spirit skits somewhere else on campus, but not in front of your players. It's your only chance..........
I have taken one thing from this whole beautiful episode: never in our lifetimes will we again see a person and employer be so perfectly matched for one another than Fran and aggy.
In fairness to Texags, I believe Brandon. I have had to deal with him a few times, and he has always been a straight shooter. I doubt they released anything they shouldn't have.
you know, I just had a thought, since txags was working so closely with aggy athletic dept it seems that they may be seen as a quasi official offshoot and agent of said aggy atheletic department, and with all the racist and sexist hate speech that constantly goes on on texags that is NOT policed for this might open up aggy u to multiple lawsuits and criminal prosecutions for said hate speech. I think that it would be hilarious if some of the bile that brandy over there constantly spews would cause aggy u to get it in the neck legally.
This has to be one of the most incredible NCAA self-destruction feats of all time. The aggy "powers-that-be", in their overzealous fit or rage to expell Coach Lil Debbie from their payroll, have literally kicked in their very own house of cards. This investigation has (and will continue) to expose just how immorally corrupt these bozos are in their attempts to field a competitive Div-IA football team.

This may actually finally put them on the same cheatin' ground as blOwU, Miami and perhaps finally give SMU something to smile about.

Gig'em Franny, Gig'em like you oughtta!!!