srsly, are you READING the VIP emails?

The term "LOL" is tossed around on the internet quite a bit, in a hyperbolic fashion. In fact, I don't know how much I have EVER sat at the internet and literally "laughed out loud"

Until now. Unbelievably hilarious.
I never thought I'd read anything more entertaining than Nixon's White House Transcripts, but in the year of our Lord 2007 we have a winner.

Really, this is just too much goodness. I only hope that Baylor, Tech, TCU, Oklahoma, Okie State, Rice, UH and any other fan base that Aggies have been exposed to has been able to enjoy this as much as we have.
holy ****....we gave standing o's when someone did something really neat in student council in high school.

aggy football team = high school student council
Holy ******* ****... they put the first 5 plays that Fran scripted for the Montana State in the email on page 46 of email 5!!! What a tool!!!!!!! How in the **** is he still employed?!?

This is destined to be a Classic thread.Someone's post has forced the screen into Panoramic CinemaScope. Can that be corrected? It's ruining the scroll if you click on "all."

Just keep in mind these facts: Fran will go down as
(a) the greatest hire in aggy history
(b) because he is the absolute aggy parody of all-time
(c) in this wacky year of college football, this will make aggy the bonehead of the year.

AND... TAM has been paying $2 million a year for this!

Here are a few classics lines from above, the first one is a quote from one of the emails, the others are some of our finest...
In reply to:


For the love of God, someone must be able track down Fran's username. His posts are probably long gone, but I'm sure Google can still see them.

The Texags thread where the mod is attempting to explain how he didn't give out' any info on the poster who outed the program is freikng epic too.
i've only looked at a few names on the list of VIP newsletter recipients, but i've already found the following connections to professional sports:

Glenn Hart: Laredo Bucks Owner (hockey)
Fred Heldenfels: Just received a huge contract to build preforms for the new Cowboys stadium

I know that they haven't linked anything in this newsletter to gambling or even to professional sports yet, but this is getting more interesting the more i look into it.

the first name on the list is on the college board of Texas and Richard Ellis is a Principal of CB Richard Ellis Investors.
Jerry Holditch recently gave $1,000,000 to the athletic department to upgrade facilities. think what you will about why he gave that money.
Stormy Kimrey, Glenn Hart, Fred Heldenfels, Jack E. Little, Charlie Mattei, Dale Watts and Charlie Wiseman are all "Distinguished donors to the 12th Man Foundation" list... i can't wait for more details to come out...
Maybe this whole Frangate thing is just Fran ratcheting up the CSE. Why stop at a ref when you can perform CSE on the whole world?

Fran's trying to subconsciously get inside our heads -- he already knows everyone thinks the aggies suck, so he's just trying to confirm it for us by being as stupid as possible.

Now anytime the aggies do anything not completely ball-squeezingly stupid, we'll have no choice but to gain a slight amount of respect for them.

Fran is the CSE Master.
I do believe that LonghornLawyer is nailing up blankets over his windowsl and putting a gun by each door in his house as we speak. He's also looking out of each window with a dental mirror and is certain that the "tree people" are coming to take his laptop away. His Higher Power has no say in this one.