Speaker McCarthy Ousted

Mr. Deez

Beer Prophet
House is now in recess subject to the call of the chair. Now the dirty deals are getting done. A wild ride is coming.
With a majority that small, it isn't that surprising. Whether the plan succeeded depends on the definition of success. If success means getting Gaetz a lot of attention, then it was a resounding success. If it means getting a better Speaker of the House, that is yet to be seen.
Chances McCarthy will be speaker again is quite high. I like what Gaetz is doing but he's facing a rigged system.
I've at least heard that Scalise doesn't want it. It's not a particularly desirable gig right now.
McCarthy says he's not going to run again. It's wide open now. Also, the Speaker doesn't have to be a House member.
And with a 221-212 margin, it's about as open as it can be. Hakeem Jeffries can really have some fun with this if he wants to. He could find six Republicans who aren't seeking reelection and basically promise them whatever they want (committee chairs, pork, arrange sweetheart lobby gigs for them after this year, etc.) and take the gavel himself. Even if he doesn't want to go that far, he could release his caucus to vote however each member wants on the floor. That could cause all sorts of trouble. They may not get Jeffries, but they'd get whatever Republican they want.
Jim Jordan is running for it. I think he would be a great choice. Shaping up to be a fight between him and Scalise.
I'd much rather have Scalise than Gym Jordan, who allegedly was involved in the Ohio State abuse scandal. However, I'm not sure what either of them would do differently from what McCarthy did.
The REAL problem is that we've lost a lot of elections in the last 5 years. Accordingly, we don't have the votes to pass our agenda. Until Biden is gone, we're not going get much of what we want.

The last time the Republicans held all the cards, we saw what they were willing to do. Nothing. That's the real problem. They are center left posing as conservatives.
The last time the Republicans held all the cards, we saw what they were willing to do. Nothing. That's the real problem. They are center left posing as conservatives.

None of these people cared. I didn't hear boo from Matt Gaetz when Trump was making Barack Obama look like a fiscal conservative. And bear in mind that these people voted against a spending bill that cut discretionary spending. This had nothing to do with policy.
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None of these people cared. I didn't hear boo from Matt Gaetz when Trump was making Barack Obama look like a fiscal conservative. And bear in mind that these people voted against a spending bill that cut discretionary spending. This had nothing to do with policy.

True. But that is beside the point. Gaetz and those like him are natcons who still pursue a mixed economy (meaning not free). The issue is where the money is going. Team Gaetz wants to shut off the spigot of money going to Ukraine. That is the policy disagreement. Me. I want to shut off the spigot completely.
True. But that is beside the point. Gaetz and those like him are natcons who still pursue a mixed economy (meaning not free). The issue is where the money is going. Team Gaetz wants to shut off the spigot of money going to Ukraine. That is the policy disagreement. Me. I want to shut off the spigot completely.

Gaetz doesn't say it's beside the point. He says McCarthy spent too much, but he doesn't have the credibility to make that allegation.

So who's the anti-Ukraine finding speaker they hope to get, and what's the plan to pass budgets through a pro-Ukraine Senate and White House into law?

Of course Gaetz teamed up with those same devils to get rid of McCarthy. The bottom line is that even if McCarthy wasn't perfect, nobody's going to do much better because of the circumstances. Furthermore, setting up the circular fitting squad when Democrats are in such a weak position going into the election is massively stupid.
Gaetz doesn't say it's beside the point. He says McCarthy spent too much, but he doesn't have the credibility to make that allegation.

Ok. Thankful he is making the point now even though he isn't consistent.

So who's the anti-Ukraine finding speaker they hope to get, and what's the plan to pass budgets through a pro-Ukraine Senate and White House into law?

Plan? Who said he needs a plan? That is asking too much from a Republican. A little backbone was good to see though.
Ok. Thankful he is making the point now even though he isn't consistent.

Everybody makes the point. The problem is following through. McCarthy did attempt to follow through (at least to a meaningful point) with the previous CR. Gaetz crapped on it and helped killed it. That's ultimately what put them in such as weak position last week.

Plan? Who said he needs a plan? That is asking too much from a Republican. A little backbone was good to see though.

A backbone in doing something foolish isn't something to commend. Lauren Boebert showed backbone with that guy's junk at the theater. That didn't make it a good idea. Gaetz flailed and promoted himself at the expense of the party and the cause going into an election. It's the last thing we need going into an election year. But of course, Gaetz isn't in this for anyone but himself, and he did win. He got a lot of attention and will try to claim a false ideological purity when he runs for governor or senator, even though he actually worked against the conservative policy agenda.
I don't think this hurt a conservative agenda at all. McCarthy worked a bad channel deal with the Democrats to keep giving money to Ukraine after publicly siding with Republicans and against the CR. Continuing Resolutions should be rejected out of hand. They are a tool to grow government. They aren't responsible governing, conservative, helping Rs win elections. It ruling against the will of a large majority of R voters.
I don't think this hurt a conservative agenda at all. McCarthy worked a bad channel deal with the Democrats to keep giving money to Ukraine after publicly siding with Republicans and against the CR. Continuing Resolutions should be rejected out of hand. They are a tool to grow government. They aren't responsible governing, conservative, helping Rs win elections. It ruling against the will of a large majority of R voters.

That's silly talk. I'm all for passing appropriations bills, but if they fail to get the votes (as they did this time) a CR can't be off the table. And there's no reason why a CR has to grow government. In fact, they generally leave funding at the previous year's levels. Furthermore, Gaetz helped kill a CR that cut spending. Don't you get that? The crappy CR that we got was because the same dumbasses who vacated the chair helped kill a stopgap measure that cut spending. So yes, they (with the cooperation of Democrats) hurt the conservative agenda.

And listen to them. They have no plan to do better. They're talking about Jordan and Scalise. They all opposed what Gaetz did. Furthermore, none of them have said what they'd actually do. They **** on their conference, but they have no plan of their own. What if they don't have the votes to pass appropriations bills? They'll have to resort to CRs as well. You're blaming a politician when the real problem is the political incentives. It's a common error that Thomas Sowell has written about. But again, Gaetz doesn't care. He is a show horse, not a work horse. He's using Congress as a platform to promote himself. He's not there to legislate.

And of course, all of this is a very useful diversion to keep from talking about things like a crappy economy, inflation, a **** show on the border, rampant violent crime, and slimy dealings with the Chinese. Democrats are thrilled with this.
That's silly talk. I'm all for passing appropriations bills, but if they fail to get the votes (as they did this time) a CR can't be off the table. And there's no reason why a CR has to grow government. In fact, they generally leave funding at the previous year's levels.

That's not my understanding. What I read is that CRs automatically grow spending by an automatic percentage. There was a bill to change that but it either didn't pass or wasn't voted on.

Furthermore, Gaetz helped kill a CR that cut spending. Don't you get that? The crappy CR that we got was because the same dumbasses who vacated the chair helped kill a stopgap measure that cut spending. So yes, they (with the cooperation of Democrats) hurt the conservative agenda.

Again. What I read said CRs are always increases and didn't differentiate this one. The only time spending was cut was when Cruz forced the same issue in Obama's early years and they had to go into Sequestor mode.

And of course, all of this is a very useful diversion to keep from talking about things like a crappy economy, inflation, a **** show on the border, rampant violent crime, and slimy dealings with the Chinese. Democrats are thrilled with this.

Much of this is happening because of the CRs they keep passing. I can't comment on Gaetz personally. I don't know his motivations. I do know that the same things were said about Cruz a decade ago. Turned out he was doing the right thing then. So I don't trust the narrative now that is used against those on the Right.
I can't comment on Gaetz personally. I don't know his motivations. I do know that the same things were said about Cruz a decade ago. Turned out he was doing the right thing then. So I don't trust the narrative now that is used against those on the Right.

Same old **** from the establishment. Anybody who fights is a self promoter/grifter. It never fails.
And of course, all of this is a very useful diversion to keep from talking about things like a crappy economy, inflation, a **** show on the border, rampant violent crime, and slimy dealings with the Chinese. Democrats are thrilled with this.

No kidding. There's a reason every D voted to oust McCarthy. Imagine if the R's said beforehand here's our plan to be more conservative. Then some Dems would probably have said McCarthy is a better choice. R's didn't so Dems knew it would cause infighting instead of blaming Dems.
Same old **** from the establishment. Anybody who fights is a self promoter/grifter. It never fails.

Not so. There are establishment types who are self-promoters, and there are non-establishment types who are not.

And the only thing Gaetz is fighting is to be in front of a camera. He's not fighting for any political or ideological cause. That's why he doesn't have an alternative.

And we need to examine what it means to "fight." Bitching in the wind and helping Democrats isn't fighting. Winning elections and passing legislation is fighting.
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