Something all Texas fans need to see

thanks for that great display of class....that is right up there with some Nebraska fans shaking our football players hands and telling them good game after we beat them at home....we as longhorns should aspire to such a high level of class
100% per class. These games should have been in Omaha. I loved the chants y'all did in the stadium, the rally energy you had going. I've also become a Nole
Very mature and long-sighted response to a painful defeat. These teams shouldn't have hooked up until Omaha. Who seeded this tournament anyways? Definitely high road well-taken. But why has no one pointed out that he posts as Mad Cow on a Texas Longhorn board?
Thanks Drew. Sorry that I couldn't stay in Tally for any of the games, but we already went over that story. I'll email you later today. Gotta get my coffee....
I have seen a lot of things on the internet that I would say were "cool," but that is undoubtedly the coolest. What a wonderful way to show sportsmanship and class. I wish we were more like that.

The stink in all of this is that both teams should have had the right to prove their mettle at Omaha. The selection committee had its head so far up its collective *** that it could see daylight every time Skip opened his mouth.

Congratulations on a great year, Noles, although I know that is small consolation. Be aesured, though, that we know what a good team you've got, because you pushed us to the end.

Warchant! Go Noles!
Nice post. Thanks, dude.

We should have been playing you in the CWS. Maybe next year.
Thank you for the gracious post. One good team unfairly had to exit early due to Skip Bertram's gerrymandering. It is a shame.
Best of luck to the Noles in the future, and to Mark Martin, who deserves an Omaha national championship (I just don't want it to come at UT's expense, naturally).
As Augie says, the baseball gods can be cruel-FSU suffered some unfortunate injuries when they could least afford them. Hope all recover fully, and make a great run next year. A home and home series...? Great idea.

The Noles have quite a bit of class as well. I have enjoyed my visits to the Warchant site during the series. You do have some classy fans on your site.

Good luck to y'all next year. Hope to see you in Omaha next year with the Longhorns.
The best thing is the longhorn with the axe further down on the home page. That's badass.

Good job, Madcow. If only more of your brethren could behave like that in November.
Good stuff. There needs to be more of such graciousness in sports - especially college athletics - and we Horn fans can do better .... except when it comes to aggy and blowyou. Screw them.

I can only echo the above folks re the crappy seeding job by the SEC goons. Congrats on a great season.
Thanks Mad Cow! I echo my fellow Horn fans appreciation for your sportsmanship and respect for the quality of the FSU sports program. Martin has done a great job building a powerhouse at FSU and I'd love to see a home and home series in the future!
Nice job. Very classy.

How you lose is just as important as how you win. Of course it helps if you (FSU) win a lot. It makes the losing a little less painful.
you make me feel bad about every time I laughed when you guys lost in football during the past two years and all the off field headlines you generated. Guess I have to take a different look at you guys now. I spent a fair amount of time on your baseball board in this series, and you guys seem like good internet folk. Best of luck to you.
Wow, that has to be the classiest class that ever classed. I mean, jeez, what a classy display of classiness of the classiest order. Unbelievable class. Every school should take a class class from FSU fans on how to be classy in the classiest manner possible.
Very rare. Much appreciated. This will be remembered by many a Horn as we watch the Noles in the future. Congrats on a great season.