Social Media, Women's March, and Mass Movements

Trump's repetitive lines are frustrating to listen to, but it's clear as day what he's doing. It's nothing more than a stall tactic while he's prepping the next comment.

Some people pause and openly show they are thinking before the next comment. Many effective public speakers prefer this openly measured style. Obama certainly does.

Trump always wants to dominate the conversation so he talks while prepping. Repeating the last thought takes very little brain function away from forming/vetting his next.
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Made up quotes attributed to key historical figures to emphasize a viewpoint is propaganda, isn't it? Is memes the new euphemism for propaganda? If so, we may have found something we agree on.

We are lucky to have you as the Meme Police

Linda Sarsour, co-chair of the Pink Taco Hat March, was kind of vicious with regard to fellow vagina-owners Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Brigitte Gabriel ....


Gabriel is a Christian from Lebanon and an anti-Islamic violence activist, who survived a bomb attack in Lebanon

Hirsi Ali is Somali via the Netherlands who suffered genital mutilation via Islam
It isn't like this hateful Linda person is unusual or represents a tiny fraction of leftists.
I hoped that others in the media,celebrity political world would call for an end to this seemingly endless stream of people sinking to ever increasing depths of rudeness hatefull meaness even treason.
Things returning to normal at the HuffPo?

sexualized phrase warning


I googled this headline, and it is a real story in the HuffPo. Just more vulgar trash, and I don't expect better from the source. Perhaps Arianna Huffington's ex-husband teaches at this "school."

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