Social Media, Women's March, and Mass Movements

Why do Ashley and the girls think mens razors are free?
And/or non-taxable?
Is this an inside joke that is flying over my head?

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Seems like they should have to pick either Sharia Law OR womens' rights.
You cannot really have both

The whole thing is so weird -- American feminists will support someone who believes in shariah law but take legal action against a guy for whistling at them

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I think they are pointing out that men's razors are covered by health insurance, while tampons aren't.

Wow. I've been paying for razors my whole life. What a sucker I've been. Next time I buy some, I'll hand the clerk my Blue Cross Blue Shield card instead of my debit card.
I thought the sign was someone protesting the march, saying that if we're going to pay for tampons like it's being requested, that we should also pay for razors for men.

Making that argument to a socialist doesn't really work because they think it all should be free anyway, so they'd say "Sure why not! Cover everything!" It would only be a concern if it could be shown that covering razors meant they couldn't grip about inequality anymore.
I thought the sign was someone protesting the march, saying that if we're going to pay for tampons like it's being requested, that we should also pay for razors for men.....

I still dont get it.

They were also complaining than tampons are taxed while razors and Rogaine are not. I think all of these are taxed the same in Texas? Maybe someone else can shed more light on this?
The feminist groups want tampons covered under health insurance. Either the sign is a feminist who thinks razors are covered, or someone mocking the feminists by saying that if we're going to cover tampons, we should also cover razors.

But looking at the sign again, I'm starting to think it's someone who actually believes men don't pay for razors.

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