all of these are ANTIFA mugshots...these are the people wearing the black masks (can't say I could blame them)....these are the people holding the Capital Hill area hostage with AK15's and who knows what else....

I'm sure not all communes fit into the mold of the documentary that I saw, but that was the jest of the documentary. The biggest reason for their failure was people didn't want to work.

I was born in 68 so I have no association with what happened in those communes, I was too busy watching TJ Hooker and lusting after Heather Locklear.

Curious of that documentary on the 60's is on youtube.

Back to Chaz, my whole point in talking about the communes is that I see that very thing in Chaz, a bunch of people sitting around, there is no work, there is no betterment there is no industry. Dancing, screwing and doing drugs will only last so long and then you either have to do something, starve, or beg others for your support.
NEWSFLASH!!! Pot is not their drug(s) of choice....FYI!!!!
all of these are ANTIFA mugshots...these are the people wearing the black masks (can't say I could blame them)....these are the people holding the Capital Hill area hostage with AK15's and who knows what else....

All white people. Is the Antifa a racially exclusive organization or is it that all the black people are in BLM? Asking for a friend.
all of these are ANTIFA mugshots...these are the people wearing the black masks (can't say I could blame them)....these are the people holding the Capital Hill area hostage with AK15's and who knows what else....


Do you think the right answer is to send in the military and remove them? I am not totally opposed to this. I think it would help if business owners and residents would request it saying that they do not approve of Antifa and do not want them in control of the area. Ask the State or Federal government to come in and take it back over.
All white people. Is the Antifa a racially exclusive organization or is it that all the black people are in BLM? Asking for a friend.
NEWSFLASH.....this movement has NOTHING to do with black's their cover....they are a NEO-MARXIST organization....GOOGLE: ANTIFA and educate...BLM is how they get a hold....they are taught as F'n aggressive and violent as you can be....they attack with hammers....carry bats to rallies....all assault with a deadly weapon....

and the libs (BRAIN DEAD) lap it up because they think it's about black people....

What does Antifa really want?
Understanding who Antifa is provides the answer to what Antifa wants. Antifa is a Communist organization and Communism is much like that religious theocracy that claims to possess the ultimate truth of human existence and, in that, has the absolute authority to direct and control the lives of all human beings.
Do you think the right answer is to send in the military and remove them? I am not totally opposed to this. I think it would help if business owners and residents would request it saying that they do not approve of Antifa and do not want them in control of the area. Ask the State or Federal government to come in and take it back over.
I am a real estate broker in the Seattle area and have sold a condo in this area....across the street from playing fields you see in the clients are MORTIFIED...their daughter has cried for a week....their property is destroying....graffiti is 15 ft high on their walls, they have people banging on their windows all night long, they have people trying their door all day long....they don't leave because they are afraid of losing all their possessions and the place being burned down....THERE IS NO POLICE !!!

you, tell me, do you think they WANT them there????
Do you think the right answer is to send in the military and remove them? I am not totally opposed to this. I think it would help if business owners and residents would request it saying that they do not approve of Antifa and do not want them in control of the area. Ask the State or Federal government to come in and take it back over.
MONA...the right answer is to NOT ALLOW IT IN THE FIRST all the other cities....PORTLAND, NASHVILLE...
I am a real estate broker in the Seattle area and have sold a condo in this area....across the street from playing fields you see in the clients are MORTIFIED...their daughter has cried for a week....their property is destroying....graffiti is 15 ft high on their walls, they have people banging on their windows all night long, they have people trying their door all day long....they don't leave because they are afraid of losing all their possessions and the place being burned down....THERE IS NO POLICE !!!

you, tell me, do you think they WANT them there????

Wow. I figured that was going on, but no one is reporting on that. That message needs to get out. People need to hear about the suffering these people are going through. Only then will popular opinion change. There should be over whelming calls for removing Antifa.

MONA...the right answer is to NOT ALLOW IT IN THE FIRST all the other cities....PORTLAND, NASHVILLE...

Too late for Seattle. So what should be done?
Wow. I figured that was going on, but no one is reporting on that. That message needs to get out. People need to hear about the suffering these people are going through. Only then will popular opinion change. There should be over whelming calls for removing Antifa.

Too late for Seattle. So what should be done?
well, you, tell me....options go from bad to worse....your pick
Wow. I figured that was going on, but no one is reporting on that. That message needs to get out. People need to hear about the suffering these people are going through. Only then will popular opinion change. There should be over whelming calls for removing Antifa.

Too late for Seattle. So what should be done?

posted this already....this is a building built within the last couple of years....totally trashed....there are 6 stories of million dollar condos above this....the damage is going to bankrupt them....
I lived 3 years in Minneapolis, all of it in the northern suburbs on Coon Rapids. I feel for those people who used to be my neighbors. I know some of them are so scared right now.

I hate to say it, but the thing they hate the most is exactly what they are creating. The white people they are vilifying now are turning into the racist they once called them. They have the racist who act like they are with them because they are too scared to say anything but what the Left is saying and the white victims who are only victims because of the color of their skin and speaking their minds.

This will not be forgotten and when whites have had enough and know there is no police to stop this they will fight back and it will get very bad. Food is going to stop flowing period. Food to everyone. Anyone with any means is going to leave these blue cities like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, San Francisco, etc. They will go where it is safe and they can speak without losing their livelihood.

They may have been against guns in the past, but they will all own guns and will know this one truth, "those who hate guns can still be killed by them".

We are about to not have a Civil war over boundaries, but over our freedom. The social elite who are behind their big walls with their armed guards will not save them. The super rich will go to New Zealand or their deep bunkers but that won't save them either.

The collapse of America is the collapse of the world.
The young nation of CHAZ has discovered slavery

I heard on the radio that Seattle is replacing the makeshift barriers around CHAZ or CHOP or whatever the hell it is with concrete barriers! Sounds like they think it's going to be permanent.
Just when I think things are as insane as they can be I found out not even close
The Seattle Police Chief actually said the police were observing crime from a distance.
John McDermott, who owns an auto shop just outside of the CHOP, told KIRO-TV a protester broke into his store, stole money from his cash register and tried to set fire to the building. The owner's son said he detained the suspect.

“I chased him down and as soon as I came face to face, he came at me so I put him on the ground,” McDermott’s son, Mason, told the station. He said the suspect also tried to cut him with a box cutter.
John McDermott said he called the police a total of 19 times to no avail.

“They alluded they were sending someone…finally said they weren’t going to send somebody,” McDermott said.
He said he finally had to give into other protesters’ demands – who knocked down his fence – to let the suspect go to avoid “mayhem beyond mayhem," adding that both his son and some of the protesters were armed but no shots were fired.

Police Chief Best said officers responded to the report and “observed the location from a distance.”

“They did not see any signs of smoke or fire or anything else and they did not see a disturbance,” she added. She said officers have written multiple reports about crimes in the area in the last two days and officers will enter if the situation is urgent. She said otherwise officers are meeting alleged crime victims outside of the CHOP.
I heard on the radio that Seattle is replacing the makeshift barriers around CHAZ or CHOP or whatever the hell it is with concrete barriers! Sounds like they think it's going to be permanent.

Instead of a Border Patrol-style wall to keep the aliens out, maybe a Soviet-style wall is needed in Seattle to keep them in?
I let this play 3 times, its a little mesmerizing
I heard on the radio that Seattle is replacing the makeshift barriers around CHAZ or CHOP or whatever the hell it is with concrete barriers! Sounds like they think it's going to be permanent.
How about...

Capitol Hill Urban March and Protest....CHUMP.

Or, Capitol Hill Only Allowing Dumbass Entry...CHOADE.

Those work for me.
Wish the US would have followed through with Project Thor. We could just drop a single Tungsten rod on Chaz and problem is solved.

Not sure what I'm talking about, Google Rods of the Gods.

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