Nope. I don't think BLM/Antifa will do even a marginal acceptable job, but if they did an exceptional job they deserve consideration.
They want to talk about white privilege, let's talk about American privilege.

I've been to countries and cities off the beaten path, Most noteably Russia, I'm not talking about Moscow or St Pete, I spent time in the Altai region of Siberia.

What is American privilege

It's acting like you are oppressed and still have a home to go to.
It's speaking out against your government and being alive the next day
It's where there are rich and poor, instead of just poor
It's where your home is on fire and firemen will come instead of just letting you burn
It's where you can go to the hospital with an injury and still get medical attention no matter if you can pay or not.
It's being gay and not being hung for it.
It's women who are not considered property of of their husbands
It's being able to riot and the police not using live rounds of ammo
It's showing up for a protest and not getting the hell beaten out of you for voicing your opinion.
It's being able to actually own a gun without getting shot

ANTIFA in Russia would be killed overnight, they would be rounded up and tortured and killed, tossed in a hole and forgotten. No one would care, you would not be missed.

Did you know people tried to have a protest in Moscow for BLM and were beaten and thrown in jail before they could even start. That is the difference to living in the United States and living in places like Russia.

While CV is going on in China, they are denying people of color any medical or even protection from the disease. Those things are only for Chinese nationals, not people of color.

Welcome to China

You want to talk about White privilege, we all suffer from American privilege here, and Thank God for it.
I try to limit the language of privilege to those who wield political power and are very wealthy. Those people have a privilege. I don't think the privilege is bad necessarily, but they are privileged. They can pay or coerce others in order to get what they want. 99% of the people in the US can't do that. Most people have to act right, work hard, and go after any opportunity they get. That spans all races.

If you have an intact nuclear family and live out a self-disciplined live your life will be good.
what is your understanding of Antifa? mind is I ask your age (ballpark)???

Please reread what I wrote and think through it a while. I think it will be obvious. I am just calling for logical evaluation and sensible criticism.
Well if they kill and destroy my evaluation of them will be very negative.

I understand they are already doing those things. I don't like them. But we have to remember that governments around the world and throughout history have done the same thing. I don't like any of them.
Wife: [holding crude map] So the Joseph Autonomous Zone (aka the "JAZ") includes the couch, beer fridge and garage, but gerrymanders the dishwasher into "Wifeland?"

Me: [from behind cardboard wall] Yup.

Wife: Did you consider the impact “autonomous” will have on your love life?

Me: I did not.
Wife: [holding crude map] So the Joseph Autonomous Zone (aka the "JAZ") includes the couch, beer fridge and garage, but gerrymanders the dishwasher into "Wifeland?"

Me: [from behind cardboard wall] Yup.

Wife: Did you consider the impact “autonomous” will have on your love life?

Me: I did not.
and, THIS made my DAY!!!
Lol, I bet out of everyone there only maybe one person has fired a gun/rifle in their lives. Now they think by holding a gun they are soldiers. If/when the SHTF for them, there is going to be a lot of young dead idiots who didn't even know how to fire it. My guess is Raz is going to use the white kids and human shields to take bullets for the movement.
Lol, I bet out of everyone there only maybe one person has fired a gun/rifle in their lives. Now they think by holding a gun they are soldiers. If/when the SHTF for them, there is going to be a lot of young dead idiots who didn't even know how to fire it. My guess is Raz is going to use the white kids and human shields to take bullets for the movement.
You don't see our TURTLENECKED buddy as a brave one??? Putting a white boy in front of you would be racist...and THESE are anti-racists....
Well if they kill and destroy my evaluation of them will be very negative.

I understand they are already doing those things. I don't like them. But we have to remember that governments around the world and throughout history have done the same thing. I don't like any of them.
MONA, what say you???
I remember watching documentaries about all those hippie communes back in the 60's. The #1 reason they didn't work. No one wanted to work. The work being done was by the women, the men sat around all day smoking weed and talking about how good it was to be in a commune.

Chaz is looking the same way, it's easy to live in a place where you don't have to be productive and do something. Let's be real, they might as well have taken over a state park and just camped out. The only difference is they are just vacationing in the middle of a city like squatters.

The sad part will be when some dumbass with a AR gets a little drunk or high and decides to take out all their frustration on the white kids there. They aren't going to be satisfied with just holding Chaz if no one gives a damn, they are going to move on to other areas and get their asses kicked or worse hurt some innocent people.

It's going to go down in history as just another counter culture fook up.
I'm fairly sure this is what Husker's son hallucinated when he went to the CHAZ.
AB I like most all your post but having lived (and loved) the 60’s I don’t completely agree with that assessment. Yeah some, ah maybe many communes were like that but definitely not all. I remember one in Tenn called the ‘farm’, no idea what became of it, but everyone worked there I assure you. It was in SE part of state - I wonder what became of it? Maybe a Theo knows. I’m just a part time zen resident although I did raise most of my kids here before moving (work transfer) back to Tx. Always thought that was the best thing to happen to me till all this stuff started.
AB I like most all your post but having lived (and loved) the 60’s I don’t completely agree with that assessment. Yeah some, ah maybe many communes were like that but definitely not all. I remember one in Tenn called the ‘farm’, no idea what became of it, but everyone worked there I assure you. It was in SE part of state - I wonder what became of it? Maybe a Theo knows. I’m just a part time zen resident although I did raise most of my kids here before moving (work transfer) back to Tx. Always thought that was the best thing to happen to me till all this stuff started.
There was a web article a few years ago on 20 or so past communes. Not all were hippies. Some would be similar to today’s home school movement. Some had a strict social policy (no sex outside of marriage, etc.). Very interesting
I'm sure not all communes fit into the mold of the documentary that I saw, but that was the jest of the documentary. The biggest reason for their failure was people didn't want to work.

I was born in 68 so I have no association with what happened in those communes, I was too busy watching TJ Hooker and lusting after Heather Locklear.

Curious of that documentary on the 60's is on youtube.

Back to Chaz, my whole point in talking about the communes is that I see that very thing in Chaz, a bunch of people sitting around, there is no work, there is no betterment there is no industry. Dancing, screwing and doing drugs will only last so long and then you either have to do something, starve, or beg others for your support.

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