If I owned a store, and I have, I would just stay away and let them loot and burn it. It is insured and if I instead show up with my carbine and tried to defend I would get killed by the mob or kill some of them and get prosecuted or burned out of my home to boot. Let AIG pay the price. I will rebuild in a safer neighborhood.
If I owned a store, and I have, I would just stay away and let them loot and burn it. It is insured and if I instead show up with my carbine and tried to defend I would get killed by the mob or kill some of them and get prosecuted or burned out of my home to boot. Let AIG pay the price. I will rebuild in a safer neighborhood.
Read your policy before using this strategy. Many policies do not cover damage due to riots. More importantly, many business owners do not have business interruption insurance. I do not. I believe many business interruption policies do not cover government actions or riots, but I am not sure.
If I owned a store, and I have, I would just stay away and let them loot and burn it. It is insured and if I instead show up with my carbine and tried to defend I would get killed by the mob or kill some of them and get prosecuted or burned out of my home to boot. Let AIG pay the price. I will rebuild in a safer neighborhood.

And you would have zero income during that period. Sounds like a really swell plan you have there...
Sure let them destroy your biz
You would be out of income or a period of time
Plus any employees would be out of work and any vendor counting on you to order product so they could pay their employees and pay any raw material mfgs so they could pay their employees
Not to mention any ancillary businesses like grocery stores, gas stations restaurants etc etc etc etc/
If I owned a store, and I have, I would just stay away and let them loot and burn it. It is insured and if I instead show up with my carbine and tried to defend I would get killed by the mob or kill some of them and get prosecuted or burned out of my home to boot. Let AIG pay the price. I will rebuild in a safer neighborhood.
COMPLETELY 1000% agree
Sure let them destroy your biz
You would be out of income or a period of time
Plus any employees would be out of work and any vendor counting on you to order product so they could pay their employees and pay any raw material mfgs so they could pay their employees
Not to mention any ancillary businesses like grocery stores, gas stations restaurants etc etc etc etc/
Who cares about that! Is "saving" all of that worth YOUR life? caring about vendors and so on. I wouldn't want MY employees to endure that crap. Burn it to the ground!!
That guy should win a Pulitzer
Maybe a Courage Aware, a Peabody and an Emmy too

Not everyone feels the same way about Andy Ngo that I do

Other than hate, what do they have?


Of course, reasonable people would know that the point I was making had nothing to do with the risk of being killed defending your store with a weapon or weapons. That's not a revelation and a deflection of the point that the store owner would be arrested and vilified in the media mores than the violent primal POS looters and rioters.
If I owned a store, and I have, I would just stay away and let them loot and burn it. It is insured and if I instead show up with my carbine and tried to defend I would get killed by the mob or kill some of them and get prosecuted or burned out of my home to boot. Let AIG pay the price. I will rebuild in a safer neighborhood.

That is fine plan. Can't see any weaknesses in it. ;)
After reading the article I had to kinda laugh.
The existing law doesn't require the sx offender to register as one IF the offender is less than yrs older than the victim And all they did was F&&k. Now if they engaged in oral or anal then the offender had to register
So "State Senator Scott Wiener, who presented the bill, said the existing law “disproportionately targets LGBT young people for mandatory sex offender registration since LGBT people usually cannot engage in vaginal intercourse."

I wonder if the new law addresses dildos?
What I find remarkable is that if this Michael Reinoel handjob was a right-winger of some kind, he would be household name by now. It would be a dramatically bigger story. Furthermore, we'd know all about the victim - what a good guy he was, etc. They would do with him what they did with Heather Heyer.

So they can still get jail/prison time under the law. Does the registry actually work? I tend to say no. How does it keep from reoffending? No. People can commit murder. Do time and get out and nobody ever knows what that person did. Someone can commit a minor crime and at a minimum have to register for 15 years. I know a guy that was setup. Charged with a misdemeanor and is on the registry for 15 years! My brother has a kid that works for him. He started dating a girl that was 15 and he was 19. They had sex and she got pregnant at 17. Her mom was pissed and filed rape charges on the kid. He got convicted. They are now married with 3 kids and he has to register for 25 years!!

I feel it should be for the most violent and serious cases.

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