I dont see why they play around with the designation that one night is a riot but other nights are not
Every night there for the last few months has been a riot
Why screw around with it like this?
Nashville is certainly not facing these problems yet, but crime is up. Nearly every night, cars are broken into or stolen on the west side of town. All of our police are downtown arresting tourists for not wearing a mask. Democrats are the worst at running cities, yet always get elected in big cities. Baffling.
Zuckerberg seems to be getting it a little bit.

He should censor speech that is calling for or planning direct physical violence. Good on him.
What a weak statement.

No kidding. He condemns it in the strongest possible terms. That's it? Woopty doo! Where's the, "I will prosecute this to the fullest extent of the law" statement?

He's just practicing a little CYA while straddling the fence between the wild-eyed liberals and the few conservatives up there. He practically tells us that he's not going to do anything about it with his qualifying remark, "while the circumstances leading up to this brutal assault are still under state and federal review".
No kidding. He condemns it in the strongest possible terms. That's it? Woopty doo! Where's the, "I will prosecute this to the fullest extent of the law" statement?

He's just practicing a little CYA while straddling the fence between the wild-eyed liberals and the few conservatives up there. He practically tells us that he's not going to do anything about it with his qualifying remark, "while the circumstances leading up to this brutal assault are still under state and federal review".
It's like the parade of RINOs on Fox News constantly saying the same sort of thing about everything under the sun that ought to be done, investigated, etc.

Put up or shut up.
Nashville is certainly not facing these problems yet, but crime is up. Nearly every night, cars are broken into or stolen on the west side of town. All of our police are downtown arresting tourists for not wearing a mask. Democrats are the worst at running cities, yet always get elected in big cities. Baffling.

I have for most of my life taken little care for what happens in local politics. Not any more, I see now that what happens in local politics has a much greater chance of affecting my life.

Who would have thought 8 months ago we would be talking about de-funding the police? Who would have thought a place like Portland, or Seattle would be in the middle of 2 straight months of riots?

Who would have thought even the Democrats would be allowing all this to go on without lifting a finger.

I am no Republican, but damn I will join any campaign that keeps a democrat out of office. As far as I'm concerned the only good democrat is a dead one, and even then they still keep voting.
Daughter took the CCL class in Boise and as in all gatherings now in Idaho there were several attendees not from there. Comments were “I have a friend in Seattle that says it’s not so bad, it’s only a few blocks”. What the heck? Only a few blocks? This is disgusting.
Daughter took the CCL class in Boise and as in all gatherings now in Idaho there were several attendees not from there. Comments were “I have a friend in Seattle that says it’s not so bad, it’s only a few blocks”. What the heck? Only a few blocks? This is disgusting.

Idaho is looking better and better
Beautiful thing about Texas is it's too damn hot to riot here. Even at night who the hell wants to go out at 90+ degrees at 9 pm?

Idaho is looking better and better

Living in Idaho 30 years ago, I can tell you, those words have never came out of my mouth; until now.

Actually Boise is really nice, oh and it's also filled with a lot of really hot divorcees.

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