Speaking of Military, when all this rioting started you should have seen the army of police that surrounded the Alamo. I almost went down there gun in hand to stand and defend it against anyone that would try to vandalize it. I saw how many people the state sent to protect it and I was thinking that building is better protected than the President.

You will not mess with Texas heritage in San Antonio, period.
You will not mess with Texas heritage in San Antonio, period.

Except if it involves Confederate statues or Columbus. The liberal mayor and city council can’t do away with the Alamo, but they are trying to change the narrative to the extent they can. They’re moving the Cenotaph, which celebrates the battle and the Texas Revolution to a less conspicuous location.

Local h
ardcore reconquistadors like Julian and Joaquin Castro Think the Alamo is a symbol of white supremacy
Speaking of Military, when all this rioting started you should have seen the army of police that surrounded the Alamo. I almost went down there gun in hand to stand and defend it against anyone that would try to vandalize it. I saw how many people the state sent to protect it and I was thinking that building is better protected than the President.

You will not mess with Texas heritage in San Antonio, period.
TEXANS, everywhere, are counting on your guys!!!
Speaking of Military, when all this rioting started you should have seen the army of police that surrounded the Alamo. I almost went down there gun in hand to stand and defend it against anyone that would try to vandalize it. I saw how many people the state sent to protect it and I was thinking that building is better protected than the President.

You will not mess with Texas heritage in San Antonio, period.
is it true that Austin defunded it's police???
Local hardcore reconquistadors like Julian and Joaquin Castro Think the Alamo is a symbol of white supremacy

Interesting, who won that battle? Last I checked it wasn't the white guys. Now if they want to say San Jacinto monument is a symbol of white supremacy, they would be right, white people kicked the **** out of the Mexicans, no need to rewrite history there.

That battle took 18 minutes, in those 18 minutes we sent over 600 Mexicans to meet Jesus while we lost 9 men. That my friend is white supremacy at it's finest.

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