
We were not dumped, he would have been gone last year had COVID not intervened, and CDC let him know “you can do this the hard way or the easy way.”

When he landed Greg Brown to complement a seasoned/talented team capable of making a deep run expectations were raised, and he partially delivered.

Shaka knew he had to make and win at least one NCAA game, and that his historic coaching incompetence, poor player development, and sloppy school yard play were under the microscope. From what I heard, before the team had landed back in Austin he was told they were going to move in another direction.

Personally, I think he is a great guy, a true passionate ambassador for the school, with class to spare, but has a long way to go with the Xs and Os. I will miss him, but not the losing record and constant disappointment.

As far as Texas not being a basketball school. I was there in the heyday of a final four run and strong Big 12 runs. 15 years of early tournament flameouts, a bad arena, and lots of disappointing loses over a generation will crush the spirit and desire of most fanbases.

Chris Beard is the guy, I am sure of it.

Fundamentally sound, passionate, an indisputable success at every stop he has had, and young enough to build a Coach K type legacy.

Beard will lead Texas to were we want it to go, and the fans will follow.

I wish Shaka all the best, and would definitely NOT want to meet him in the tournament as his coaching skills continue to develop, but a .510 over all coaching record, losing big 12 record, zero NCAA wins, and horribly inconsistent play won’t cut it.

It's all academic now. Shaka has dumped us for a "basketball school" in Milwaukee. I wish the best for him, and hope the best for our new coach.
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Oh, don't go ruining his fun disparaging minorities.
There it is. Make a point about social justice affecting the focus of a black coach and it’s disparaging them. I understand you’re disagreeing with me but are you disparaging my argument? Is it because any argument against a minority or woman is disparaging and therefore bad/wrong/jailable/censurable/bannable?
Yes. He said it once, then never got political again. I can live with that. He doesn't have to be in political agreement with me as long as he isn't always up in my face about it.
You make a good point. Sangre. I would say once he took that stand it was obvious where his head was/is and that means it didn’t need repeating to be constantly true of his focus. I’ll bring Kapernick into this: How can any owner expect him to be a solid NFL qb if his focus/interviews will be dominated by social justice and not the betterment of the team?
I will use the term distracted. You’re here to coach winning basketball, period. It appears it is not possible for that particular minority group.
It sounds like you’re arguing that members of a particular minority group are not capable of coaching winning basketball while refraining from making controversial political comments. But I could be misreading you. If that’s really what you meant, I would urge you to re-examine your thinking.
I’m saying if that occupies your mind 24/7, it’s going to affect your ability to do well at your chosen career. This seems logical to me. No matter the side of the aisle.

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