Sessions the new Sacrificial Lamb

"Floated it out there?" Trump held press conferences and bragged his private investigators were turning up some very interesting things. Nobody dreamed up Trump's Birther credentials.


Hillary Clinton was floating it 3 years before Trump went on his crusade. She was doing it at the same time she was bragging about having the support of hardworking white people. That's one of the reasons the birther/racism against Obama charge she threw at Trump flopped. It was coming from somebody who was saying the same kind of stuff just a few years earlier. Don't forget. She used to like the "basket of deplorables."
So now even Deez is saying our BS isn't BS?

A Hillary Staffer (fired for it) made some Birther statements. Trump Birther Statements and other BS delivery is turbocharged. He delivers so often and in such quantity, the mind can't take it all in .... it's just part of the scenery.
Paul Craig Roberts nails this one.

The question in the title is V.I. Lenin’s question. His answer was to create a revolutionary “vanguard” to spread revolutionary ideas among the workers, the economic class that Karl Marx had declared to be the class rising to the ascendency of political power. Finally, democracy, frustrated by upper class interests in its earlier manifestations, would become reality. The workers would rule.

Given the presence of evil and human failing, it did not work out in that way. But Lenin’s question remains a valid one. Americans whose economic life and prospects for their children have been destroyed by the offshoring of American manufacturing and tradable professional skills jobs, such as software engineering, answered the question by electing Donald Trump.

The Americans, dispossessed by the offshoring corporations, elected Trump, because Trump was the only American running for a political office who called attention to the problem and declared his intention to fix it.

By standing up for Americans, Trump alienated the global corporations, their executives and shareholders, all of whom benefit from stealing the economic life of Americans and producing abroad where labor and regulatory costs are lower. Neoliberal junk economists describe this labor arbitrage, which reduces the real incomes of the American labor force, as the beneficial working of free trade.

These offshoring firms not only have destroyed the economic prospects of millions of Americans, but also have destroyed the payroll tax base of Social Security and Medicare, and the tax base of local and state governments, with the consequence that numerous pension systems are on the verge of failure. The New York Teamsters Road Carriers Local 707 Pension Fund has just failed. This failure, experts predict, is the beginning of a tsunami that will spread into municipal and state pension systems.

When you add up the external costs of jobs offshoring that are imposed on Americans, the costs far exceed the value of the profits that flow to the One Percent. Clearly, this is an intolerable situation.

Dispossessed Americans rose up. They ignored the presstitute media, or perhaps were driven to support Trump by the hostility of the media. Trump was elected by dispossessed America, by the working class.

The working class is out of favor with the elite liberal/progressive/left which abhors the working class as racist, misogynist, homophobic, gun nuts who oppose transgendered toilet facilities. Thus, the working class, and their chosen representative, Donald Trump, are under full assault by the presstitutes. “Trump Must Go” is their slogan.

And well he might. Trump, in a fit of stupidity, dismissed his National Security Advisor, Gen. Flynn, because Flynn did what he should have done and spoke with the Russian ambassador in order to avoid a Russian response to Obama’s provocation of expelling Russian diplomats at Christmas.

Russians have been demonized and ascribed demonic powers. If you speak to a Russian, you fall under suspicion and become a traitor to your country. This is the story according to the CIA, the Democratic Party, the military/security complex, and the presstitute media.

Once Trump put Flynn’s blood in the water, he set the situation for the sacrifice of other of his appointees, ending with himself. At the present time, “the Russian connection” black mark is operating against Trump’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. If Sessions falls, Trump is next.

Let’s be clear. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sessions met with the Russian ambassador, just as he met with a number of other countries’ ambassadors. There is nothing unusual or surprising about a US senator meeting with foreign diplomatic representatives.

Those who accuse Sessions of lying are misrepresenting the facts. Session met with ambassadors in his capacity as a US Senator, not in his capacity as a Trump representative. As a former US Senate staffer, I can attest that it is perfectly normal for US Senators to meet with diplomats. John McCain and Lindsey Graham even fly to the Middle East to meet with terrorists.

Despite the facts, the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN and all the rest of the CIA’s media whores are consciously and intentionally misrepresenting the facts. Amerians do not need any more evidence that the entirely of the American media is totally devoid of intergrity and respect for truth. The American media is a collection of whores who lie for a living. The presstitutes are despicable, the scum of the earth.

The real question is how has contact with Russian government officials become criminalized, grounds for removing a National Security Adviser, an Attorney General, and impeaching a President himself. President John F. Kennedy had ongoing contact with Khrushchev, the head of the Soviet government, in order to resolve the Cuban/Turkish missile crisis without nuclear war. President Nixon had ongoing contact with the Russians in order to achieve SALT I and the anti-ballistic missile treaty. President Carter had ongoing contact with Russians in order to achieve SALT II. President Reagan worked with the Russian leader in order to end the Cold War. I know. I was there.

But if President Trump wants to defuse the extremely dangerous tensions that the reckless Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes have resurrected with a powerful thermo-nuclear state that only wants peace with the US, President Trump and any of his appointees who spoke to a Russian are unfit for office! This madness is the position of the idiot liberal/progressive/left, the CIA, the Democratic Party, the right-wing morons of the Republican Party such as Lindsey Graham and John McCain, and the two-bit whores that comprise the Westrern media.

Dear reader, ask yourself, how did communications with Russians in the interest of peace and the reduction of tensions become a criminal act? Have laws been passed that it is forbidden for US officials to speak with Russian officials? Are you so utterly stupid that a presstitute media that has never in your entire life told you anything that was truthful can convince you that those who seek to avoid a conflict between thermo-nuclear powers are “Russian agents”?

I have no doubt that the vast bulk of Western populations are insouciant. But if there is no intelligence and awareness left anywhere in the population, and most certainly there is none whatsoever in the governments of the West or in the Western media or the Identity Politics of the liberal/progressive/left, then don’t expect to be alive much longer.

The entirely of the world has been put on the knife edge of existence by the arrogance, stupidity, and hubris of the neoconservative pursuit of American world hegemony. The neoconservative ideology is perfect cover for the material interest of the military/security Deep State that is driving the world to destruction.
So now even Deez is saying our BS isn't BS?

A Hillary Staffer (fired for it) made some Birther statements. Trump Birther Statements and other BS delivery is turbocharged. He delivers so often and in such quantity, the mind can't take it all in .... it's just part of the scenery.

You're thinking of Mark Penn, and he didn't make statements. He issued a strategy memo encouraging Clinton to attack Obama's lack of American routes through innuendo, and she basically did. He wasn't fired over that. He was fired over a completely unrelated matter about 3 weeks later. Link. I'm not talking about Penn. I'm talking about Sidney Blumenthal.

And yes, Trump's birtherism was much louder and more obnoxious, but the point is that they didn't come first. That's why she had no credibility when she tried to make it an issue.
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I think Crockett is talking about the Iowa Caucus staffer that was fired for an email blast that included the birther accusation during the 2008 primaries.

The evidence that Blumenthal was advancing the birtherism argument is a he said/she said situation. Blumenthal vs. McClatchey. It may have been a "dark art" political move but it went nowhere.

Donald Trump rode the issue to a nomination, building an early coalition around the completely absurd birtherism claims. Then later tried to claim he wasn't the leader of the birther movement.
The WSJ is reporting that Session's attendance at the RNC in which a meeting with Kislyak in a group session coordinated by the Heritage Foundation was funded out of his political funds. How the heck do you pay for the trip with political funds, give a speech at the convention then claim your meeting was not as a surrogate but rather as a Senator? Sounds like selective usage to me.

Side note: What the heck is the Heritage Foundation doing coordinating a meeting with the Russian Ambassador at the RNC? I'm biased but that seems a little odd.

It's also known that Session was the only Armed Services Committee member to meet with the Russian ambassador in 2016.

Now, do I believe that Sessions is dirty? No. I do believe that he knew full well that he was splitting hairs when answering the question, attempting to sidestep the topic during the hearing.
I think Crockett is talking about the Iowa Caucus staffer that was fired for an email blast that included the birther accusation during the 2008 primaries.

The evidence that Blumenthal was advancing the birtherism argument is a he said/she said situation. Blumenthal vs. McClatchey. It may have been a "dark art" political move but it went nowhere.

Two things. First, Blumenthal had a reason to lie, which would be in character for him. He's one of the sleaziest people in politics. What reason did Asher have to lie? I'm aware of none. Second, even if she never mentioned it herself in public, HRC ran a campaign consistent with someone trying to discredit Obama's Americanism - basically the core basis if the criticism of the birther rumor in the first place.

Donald Trump rode the issue to a nomination, building an early coalition around the completely absurd birtherism claims. Then later tried to claim he wasn't the leader of the birther movement.

He said he didn't start it, and he didn't. Did he celebrate it and act like a self-promoting jackass? Yes. Did he start it? No.
It's amazing that Hilary is still being discussed as if she has any relevance.
Don't underestimate her. She may be the most evil and the most hated woman in America, but she's built a network of powerful people and has every tool from bribery to extortion at her fingertips. She's relevant even when not in office. Unfortunately there are plenty of powerful people that answer to her.
The WSJ is reporting that Session's attendance at the RNC in which a meeting with Kislyak in a group session coordinated by the Heritage Foundation was funded out of his political funds. How the heck do you pay for the trip with political funds, give a speech at the convention then claim your meeting was not as a surrogate but rather as a Senator? Sounds like selective usage to me.

Side note: What the heck is the Heritage Foundation doing coordinating a meeting with the Russian Ambassador at the RNC? I'm biased but that seems a little odd.

It's also known that Session was the only Armed Services Committee member to meet with the Russian ambassador in 2016.

Now, do I believe that Sessions is dirty? No. I do believe that he knew full well that he was splitting hairs when answering the question, attempting to sidestep the topic during the hearing.
We now have the details on Jeff Sessions’ first meeting with the Russian ambassador in 2016. It turns out the Senator spoke to the Russian ambassador on the invitation of the Obama Administration. Fox News reports:

The first came at a conference on “Global Partners in Diplomacy,” where Sessions was the keynote speaker. Sponsored by the U.S. State Department, The Heritage Foundation, and several other organizations, it was held in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention.

The conference was an educational program for ambassadors invited by the Obama State Department to observe the convention. The Obama State Department handled all of the coordination with ambassadors and their staff, of which there were about 100 at the conference.

Apparently, after Sessions finished speaking, a small group of ambassadors—including the Russian ambassador—approached the senator as he left the stage and thanked him for his remarks. That’s the first “meeting.” And it’s hardly an occasion—much less a venue—in when a conspiracy to “interfere” with the November election could be hatched.

So wait a minute — the Obama Administration set this up and the New York Times reports it is Obama administration staffers who are working to push out all the Russia information being used against Donald Trump and his administration.

Trump is making Dems look like fools by calling Pelosi a liar when she said she never met the Russian Amb as Trump shows a pic of her with him
Then Trump calls for Schumer to be investigated and posts a pic of Schumer eating KispyKreme with the Amb.
Obama did not let his people recuse themselves. For example, Loretta Lynch was caught red-handed having a private meeting with the target of a criminal probe on an airport tarmac yet refused to recuse herself (as she should have).

Trump needs to do the same, no more recusals for silly reasons.

Obama did not let his people recuse themselves. For example, Loretta Lynch was caught red-handed having a private meeting with the target of a criminal probe on an airport tarmac yet refused to recuse herself (as she should have).
Trump needs to do the same, no more recusals for silly reasons......

David Limbaugh agrees

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that she's never met with the current Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. "Not with this Russian ambassador, no," Pelosi told POLITICO's Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer during a Playbook interview, when asked whether she had ever met with the Russian envoy.

But here she is with both Kislyak and then-Pres Dmitriy Medvedev

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So, it looks like Obama planned on forcing Sessions to recuse himself, if not resign. And planned to have his own people take charge at Justice. Smell more like a silent coup now?

How do we know this? Just before he left office, Obama changed the 'order of succession" at Justice. Why did Obama make this eleventh-hour change to the line of succession at the Justice Department? To line up his own people to be next up

Seven days before he left office, President Obama changed the order of succession without explanation to remove Boente from the list. Obama's order had listed U.S. attorneys in the District of Columbia, the Northern District of Illinois and the Central District of California.

You may recall when Sally Yates briefly became the acting AG? She immediately tried to usurp the powers of the president and countermand his immigration executive order, actions for which she was summarily fired.

Well, the DC USAtty is a Holder/Obama guy -- Channing Phillips. Clearly, Obama sought to seize the reins of power at Justice anticipating a recusal or even resignation of Sessions (as media liberals were calling for)

Luckily, someone with Trump noticed this latest Obama trickeration and re-altered the line of succession. Now it falls to Acting Deputy Attorney General and USA for the Eastern District of Virginia Dana Boente. This explains why you saw, as soon as it was became clear Boente would handle any Russian investigations, Chuckles Schumer call for a special prosecutor.

So, another dick move by Obama thwarted. But, taken in light of all the other dick moves by Obama, part of an emerging pattern of sedition.
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Why doesn't Trump just change it back?

He did -- this is why the Dems are now calling for a special prosecutor - they did not get the Obama-loyalist acting AG they schemed for

...Luckily, someone with Trump noticed this latest Obama trickeration and re-altered the line of succession. Now it falls to Acting Deputy Attorney General and USA for the Eastern District of Virginia Dana Boente. This explains why you saw, as soon as it was became clear Boente would handle any Russian investigations, Chuckles Schumer call for a special prosecutor......
Roberts nails it.

Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed
Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed
Paul Craig Roberts

What is the Congress up to with their stupid bill that imposes more sanctions and removes the power of President Trump to rescind the sanctions that President Obama imposed?

Congress is doing two things. One is that Congress is serving their campaign contributors in the military/security complex by being tougher with Russia, thus keeping the orchestrated threat alive so that Americans denied health care don’t start looking at the massive military/security budget as a place to find money for health care.

The other is to put President Trump in a box. If Trump vetos this encroachment on presidential power, Congress and the presstitute media will present the veto as absolute proof that Trump is a Russian agent and is protecting Russia with his veto. If Trump does not veto the bill, Trump will have thrown in his hand and accepted that he cannot reduce the dangerous tensions with Russia.

In other words, the bill is a lose-lose for Trump. Yet Republicans are supporting the bill, thus undermining their president.

Yesterday I heard an orchestrated, staged “interview” between two women on NPR’s “All Things Considered” (on NPR all things are never considered). It was a propaganda show focused on Trump’s expression of disappointment in Jeff Sessions, whom Trump mistakenly appointed Attorney General.

When Trump nominated Sessions, the Democrats and the presstitutes went berserk. Sessions was “unqualified,” a “racist,” blah-blah. But now Sessions is the hero of the presstitutes and Democrats. They love him, because he has sold out Trump on the question of the justification for an investigation of Trump as a suspect “Russian agent” by an independent prosecutor who happens to be a member of the anti-Trump ruling establishment.

In other words, Sessions, who has been beat up previously by the establishment, is too afraid to do his job.

In other words, Trump had, as I predicted, no idea what he was doing when he chose his government.

So now he suffers for his ignorance.

What was the point of the staged NPR interview between the two women? The point was that Sessions, unlike Trump, respects the rule of law whereas Trump wants to bend the law in order to cover up for himself. The interview was staged so that without the two women having to say it, Trump’s anger at Session was proof that Trump was guillty of some illigitimate “Russian connection.”

In other words, it was carefully constructed innuendo. Who constructed the innuendo? NPR’s women were just reading from a script.

As far as I can tell, there is no one in Trump’s government who is loyal to Trump or who is willing to back Trump’s effort to stop provoking the Russians and to cease serving as Israel’s military force in the Middle East. As far as I can tell not only the Democratic Party but also the Republican Party supports the left-wing’s view that Trump’s election was illegitimate, because he was elected by the votes of illegitimate people—“the deplorables” to use Hillary’s term.

Who are “the deplorables?” They are the remnants of the American working class. They are the people whose jobs were sent overseas to Asia by the global US corporations in order to enrich their shareholders and executives via higher profits from lower labor costs. They are the people who in order to stay afloat had to rely on debt in place of the missing income and whose debt is now so high that they have no disposable income. A huge proportion of the American population is incapable of raising a measly $400 without having to sell personal possessions.

In other words, they are refugees from a destroyed American middle class.

Trump stood up for them against the rich who ruined them, and now the rich are going to ruin Trump.

It will teach a lesson. Henceforth in the United States no one will dare to stick up for the American people. America is not for Americans any more than the world is for the peoples of the world. America and the world are for the One Percent. No one else. Russia, China, and Iran are in the way, and, thus, they are on Washington’s hit list.

It is heartbreaking to watch the Russians continue to believe, lesson after lesson to the contrary, that they can reach a deal with Washington. This unrealistic hope will destroy Russia. The Russian government will continue to grasp at straws and be put off guard.

It is utterly amazing that the Russian government can believe after its extensive history of being left hanging in the wind by its agreements with Washington that any agreement with Washington is worth anything.

Perhaps Russia is aware of the evil that they face in Washington. Perhaps the Russian emphasis on diplomacy is just a way of gaining time to get prepared for the war that Washington intends to bring to them.

There is little doubt that the great and wonderful beacon of light that is Democracy in Washington, also known as the government of the “exceptional” people and the “indispensable” country, is lost in hubris and arrogance and will destroy life on earth.
".....It is heartbreaking to watch the Russians continue to believe, lesson after lesson to the contrary, that they can reach a deal with Washington. This unrealistic hope will destroy Russia. The Russian government will continue to grasp at straws and be put off guard.

It is utterly amazing that the Russian government can believe after its extensive history of being left hanging in the wind by its agreements with Washington that any agreement with Washington is worth anything. ...."​

I like Sessions, but Trump is raising legitimate questions --

I have prev written quite a bit about McCabe -- for example
Furthermore, McCabe is facing three separate federal inquiries into his behavior-

"Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a central player in the Russia election case, is the focus of three separate federal administrative inquiries into allegations about his behavior as a senior bureau executive, according to documents and interviews.

The allegations being reviewed range from sexual discrimination to improper political activity, the documents show

The inquiries remain open but so far there have not been any adverse findings against the senior FBI executive, who soared though the ranks the last few years to become deputy director and acting director since James Comey was fired.

FBI officials and McCabe declined comment....."

The 3 inquiries into McCabe are --

(1) Former special agent Robyn Gritz filed a sexual discrimination and retaliation complaint naming McCabe (and other top FBI officials)

(2) Gritz also filed a complaint against McCabe with the main federal whistleblower agency in April, alleging Gertz campaigned for his wife’s Virginia state senate race in violation of the Hatch Act. The OSC says that complaint is still being actively investigated.

(3) The Justice Department IG is investigating allegations from Sen Judiciary Committee Chair Charles Grassley that McCabe may not have properly disclosed campaign payments to his wife on his ethics report and should have recused himself from Hillary Clinton's email case.

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