Horn6721, you can stop lecturing me on learning to read and take your own advice. Read my post again, slowly, and perhaps you should have a dictionary handy. Do you know how to use one? Never mind, I'll use short words. Obama was signed to write his memoirs by Jane Dystel. As you observed It was tentatively titled " Journeys in Black and White". Here's where the dictionary comes in: tentatively means subject to change. It was changed. Dreams From My Father was the title given to it when it was finished, with a different publisher.
As for the "bio", it contains the same information as the New York Times article that turned Dystel on to Obama. My guess, bolstered by what the person who wrote it tells us, is that she talked to Obama, got background information from him, used the Times piece as a template, and wrote the paragraph, F'ing up the details. The wingnut theory that you subscribe to requires us to call her a liar, but that is an easy leap for you, Horn. Its your bread and butter in fact. It was one paragraph among 90 brief bios, distributed only to other publishers, and he hadn't written a book yet, so yeah, it is very possible that he didn't pay much attention to it. And yes, I say it with a straight face, not a face twisted with rage like yours always seems to be on this board. Enjoy your rage du jour. And let me know how your remedial reading classes go.