Seriously where was BO born?


I thought we had this all settled. WE know without a doubt that BO WAS born in HI.
Why do BO's stories change so much?
This is a link, yes a conservative link, but the booklet of the literary agent is documented and easily linked.
it shows a 1991 literary booklet advertising BO's then book.

BO's bio from the booklet from 1991
"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White."

Why would he tell them he was born in kenya when we know he was born in HI?
Or does anyone think this agency just out of the blue decided to say he was born in kenya? it was mentioned in the article by people at the agency at that time that BO would have provided the info himself

The real story here is not where he was born. BO ABSOLUTELY WAS born in HI but why he felt the need in 1991 to pretend he was born in kenya?
The Link
i really do not care where he was born because that has nothing to do with 2 inarguable facts. Those facts are 1. He absolutely sucks as a president and human being. 2. He is absolutley an egregious, narcissistic, liar who simply makes **** up as he goes. he needs to go away. back to that chicago ******** city, back to kenya, wherever, just gtfo of any position where he has any ability to affect another human.
and I think this booklet from 1991 goes to this statement of yours
"He is absolutley an egregious, narcissistic, liar who simply makes **** up as he goes"

I think , only think, not suggesting this is fact. I think BO thought saying he was born in kenya gave him more cache and maybe help him sell more books back in 1991. Why else would he say it?

edit to add ONE MORE TIME
BO was absolutely positively born in HI and the uncovering of this booklet does not change that. It does, apparently ( and when BO comments on this we may know his real reasons) show that BO plays fast and loose with the facts or made up parts of his past. It is almost like he creates himself to suit each occasion.
kinda like saying his mother and father were inspired by the march in Selma to get married

Interesting to note that he never finished that book .
Funny part of this booklet is that it does not really change Obama's birthplace, but it may make Barack Obama the Original Crazy Wingnut Birther!
well here is someone from the agency saying it is all her fault. a ' fact checking error.
"Miriam Goderich issued the following statement to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Nothing to see here
I can see why she would have made this " error". he must have provided the basic info including that he was born in HI , had gone to school in HI, etc.and she just forgot to " fact check"
makes sense.

that Bio, with 'errors' in Fact checking by an ***'t was still used by that agency until 2007
. fuuny they updated his books to include Dreams from MY father
and they updated his political life to include he was now a Senator but they didn't correct their :"fact check error"?

" shows that the Dystel website used the following biography for Obama as of April 3, 2007:

BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller."

Obama launched his presidential campaign in February 2007.

Ok I guess
At this point it doesnt matter if we find out he was really born somewhere else. Hes had 4 years to expand everything Bush did and then some.
I am convinced beyond any doubt that BO was born in HI
I think he just creates a life story that he thinks at the time gets him the most votes or sells the most books.

he has told so many clearly untrue versions of his past who knows what to believe at any given time?
^^^^ I think the birth issue is a losing one. With that said, there is no way that someone accidentally stated that he was born in Kenya when he was really born in Hawaii. That person would be fired for such a mistake and if Obama read it, he would be livid. The most likely explanation is that Obama told the publisher that he was born in Kenya.
They're just trying to gin up the crazys and change the attention away from his complete failure. don't take the bait. I hope the rest of the right doesn't take it as well.
And in the books themselves, Obama "claims" that he was born in Hawaii! The evil machinations of this "man"(do we really know, after all? we haven't seen the long-form) are beyond devious! Imagine writing in your books, and telling the New York Times and the LA Times book reviewers and the Associated Press that you were born in Hawaii, and at the same time forcing a clerk at the literary agent's office to tell the secret truth in a pamphlet distributed only to to other publishing firms, confident that they would play along withe the conspiracy. Oh the perfidy!
I think perfidy is exactky the word,
BO has twisted his story so many times no one should be surprised he has changed his story yet again
^^^ I find it unsettling that others would believe that it was a secretary's fault. And it just so happens that out of the 195 countries in the world, the secretary randomly picked Kenya as his place of birth. Personally, I have never seen someone tell a secretary to write a bio about someone without giving them a script and rarely have I seen a secretary write something important without it being reviewed. More importantly, I have always been asked to provide a short bio. of myself or a cv when it was necessary. The most logical explanation is that at some time, Obama has lied about his place of birth.
The simple explanation is that he used his "Kenyan birth" story to benefit his college applicaitons. Probably the main reason he won't release any college transcripts.
^^^^ That would be my guess as well. Although, it seems like at times he continued to use the story and it got a little out of hand.

BTW, I would guess that people lie on their applications all the time. I have never heard a story about someone getting thrown out of school for it, but I guess it could happen. And if Obama was forced to admit it now, I don't think it would seriously hurt his campaign. In fact, it might help as it moves the attention away from the economy.
Well, we can't just take a secretary's word for it that she made a mistake -- especially since the book she was reviewing had the story correct -- or believe a journalist seeing the name Barak Hussein Obama might have made an incorrect assumption about place of birth. We've gotta assume is a devious conspiracy with Obama at it's root.
Well since his wife and grandmother have said the same thing, it becomes a bit more understandable. Sometimes lies grow legs and become real when they're repeated often enough. I'd be very interested to see what he put on his college applications. Remember transparency?
The booklet prepared by the agency was done before he wrote" Dreams from my etc". The book the agency was pushing is the book he never fiinished so your spin is wrong

This as NOT an editor. this was an agency ***'t.

But given All that how do you explain that the " error" continued to be used for 16 YEARS even as the other information about BO was updated?
and what about the newpaper article describing BO being " Kenyan Born" as he ran for Senator?

Where did the chicago newspaper get the information tht BO was ' kenyan" born.Did they just grab that out of thin air?

Again there is NO doubt that BO was born in HI so why even up to his Senate run did he give out info saying he was born in kenya?

When do we believe BO ?
Horn6721 -- it wouldn't be the first time a mistake in the media took on a life of it's own. Get your research team on it and get to the origin of the reporter's mistake and maybe cross examine the secretary. Anything I say on the issue would be pure conjecture.
So you honestly believe this " mistake" never got corrected for 16 YEARS even as all other info got updated

So how do you explain the newspaper article from BO's senate run in 04?

This is NOT to dispute that Bo was born in HI. This shows BO's willingness to lie when he thingks it advances what he wants.

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