Sequestration Was Obama's Idea....

Why not select the least impactful way of increasing the budget from last year at a reduced rate instead of trying to screw the country over like a child? The pitance of the 85 billion is just less of a COLA or raise for the government than was originally planned. Who as a manager could not cut 1 or 2% from their overall budget without making the trains run late?

If anything resulting from this sequestor causes one extra minute for any citizen for any government interaction then Obama is everything the worst critics say he is. But that is just my opinion and why I wanted a finance guy to be elected even though he was a bit odd and other negatives that doomed Romney.

Cutting 1 or 2% might just be above Obama's pay grade. Wait till the real cutting is needed as the healthcare bill torpedos more of the economy with teh resulting need for real leadership from the Pres and Senate.

The House Pubs need to do a better job of selling their specifics in their bill since the D's won't be specific about their plans.
I take everything back. I had no idea sequestration could be so devastating to this country. According to Maxine Waters it will cost as many as 170 million jobs! Dear God that's more than the 157 million in the labor force.

Everyone in America will be unemployed if Maxine Waters is right.
Dumb *** Maxine
You've heard of LIVs, low information voters. Maxine is an LIC, low information Congresswoman. Amazingly she sits on a committee that Bernanke briefs. How can she be so dumb? Or, maybe she's like Obama, she just makes up the facts as needed.

Oh yeah, Happy Sequestration Day!
Hey cuts need to get your attention, be emotional, hurt a little.
Didn't you get the memo?

Oh and I'll have you know I drank Pabst Blue Ribbon yesterday and it was fine. No German bier garden, but hey we are not all that fortunate.
Come on, don't be a beer snob.
I was shocked to see it in the "to go" ice bin at the convienence store and thought, what the heck.
I didn't know they even still made it.
I'm kind of partial to dark beers that aren't bitter such as Bocks or German Doppelbocks. There is a old beer garden in Prague, can't remember the name, that has a dark beer I really like. The crowd is pretty good too although seeing a bunch of old men in WWII uniforms playing music can be a bit of a turn-off.

Even though, I like dark, COLD (unlike Europe) beer, when I am out and about I get Corona light or Bud Light Lime. They feel a little more refreshing and healthier on a hot day. And if I want to get more of a buzz, I drink Mojitos with the wife or get out my favorite Bourbon, Eagle Rare by Buffalo Trace.

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