What BI said... "Voting Libertarian is the only "real" option there is. "
I work for a writer that is not exactly Libertarian. He calls it
juris naturalis. He's a long time friend of Ron Paul, and also of the late Harry Browne, whose ideas of Libertarian were close enough to what we need.
The writer I work for is Richard Maybury:
The Link
"I am biased in favor of liberty, free markets, and international neutrality, and proud of it."
As I was saying...
Had a nice long evening dinner conversation with Harry Browne sitting out in the back yard on a patio some years back in Phoenix attending a conference. Maybe the nicest man I ever met in my life. He had a special love for music and I regret I never got a copy of a cassette he'd made of some of his favorites. But he's the closet I know of an understanding of all the things wrong with government. And Richard Maybury took a lot from him over the years including his Permanent Portfolio idea of a safe investment. (PRPFX is a fund that mimics it)
I often think I live in one of the stupidest cultures on the planet. A handful of men ... 55 of them... created the Constitution, but we're determined to wreck it. Both major parties. Ever since the Civil War.
But there REALLY IS A BETTER WAY. It starts with Austrian Economics.
I'd like nothing better than to see both major parties sink like an iron meteor to the bottom of the ocean, and then try to get it right.
I think ultimately the whole thing has to fail and go bankrupt for people to ever really get it. Socialism does not work. Entitlement programs are a Ponzi scheme. And political power corrupts the judgment -- of anyone.