SCOTUS lets GITMO Detainees have

this is stunning.
Let there be no question.

For those who actually believe in the Founding Father's philosophy of America, and in the Constitution, this is a good thing.

McCain needs to seize on this. Whose judges do you want hearing these cases: McCain's or Obama's? I think the answer for most Americans will be McCain's.
Yep. Any judge Obama appoints would just set them free. He is after all an extremist Muslim. Hell, maybe he'll even appoint the GITMO detainees as judges.

McCain would be a fool to go there and imply that he's gonna appoint judges that will overlook the law to make sure these guys stay in jail. Is that really the kind of court system you want? Might as well tear up the Constitution now and call it done.

If they belong in prison, they will stay there, but a judge should always be impartial.
If Im not mistaken, Scalia has even said that the activist judge label is always applied by the side who is against the ruling.
Yeah, ain't that nice, Mr. Chief Justice, that the "aliens detained by this country as enemy combatants" have received so much procedural protection that they still sit in the prison after 6 years without a trial.
I will reserve full comment until I read the entire opinion (which I have yet to find a link to) but will chime in with TxState and Brisket. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. No matter where you come from on its fundamentals or "living nature" it should be very, very difficult to set it aside in response to a temporary crisis. We are a nation of laws. Abrogate that, and never mind that we are not fighting the terrorists in our streets, we have lost the war on terror in ways that crashing planes into buildings or setting off WMDs could never accomplish on their own.
Correct me if I am wrong, as I am no legal scholar, but doesn't the Constitution apply to US citizens?

These detainees in GITMO were captured on foreign soil by our military and most have never even set foot on US soil. I don't understand why/how they have Constitutional rights. It seems to me that they SHOULD be subject to the Geneva Conventions and international law.
I am probably someone here in the middle ground. I think we have NOT treated these detainees fairly. At the same time, I do not understand how/why they would have legal standing in US civilian courts.
I would love for this to be explained per the law. Thanks.
I'm always curious at the notion by some that we as a nation are somehow harmed or endangered by merely providing an individual access to the courts.
For those of us who believe in traditional American values, and that the constitution means what it says, this is a good day.

For the fearful, simpering cowards who in the face of the immense threat by by 20 people driving planes into buildings 7 years ago would abandon our national honor and the compact of liberty that binds us together, I say "suck it": move to China if you want a secure state that badly and leave this country to the patriots.

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