Scottie F'n Scheffler!


A first for me, lightning strike at intersection of two runways at Hobby. Airport shut down while they assess damage and make repairs.
Weather shut down? Yes, often, but lightning damage on runway? That's a first for me
Likely damage to the runway lights?

What they showed on the news was a strike in the middle of the concrete (?) that left pavement scattered and a hole. One report has it on 22/4 and the other at intersection of 22/4 and I think 11. (I should remember since we kept our jet at Millionaire, but I don't.)
There was a pedestrian struck and killed near entrance to golf course this morning which resulted in major traffic back up. Scottie tried to go around traffic to get into course but was stopped and then handcuffed by police . It was sorted out just hope it doesn't affect him mentally.
Scottie was in a clearly marked PGA CHAMPIONSHIP car. I want to see proof the car drug a cop along. That wasn't mentioned in the first report I heard. Anything is possible but Why were the cops trying to stop a clearly marked PGA Tournament car?
I don't know how the cars are marked at the PGA ButI can tell you the markings are really clear on cars used for both the Nelson and at Colonial.
Very unfortunate situation. He played well today.
??? From mc's link
"Following the arrest, ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington said "One police officer came up to me with his pad and said - pen in hand - "Can you tell me the name of the person we've just arrested?""

Earlier, when Darlington tried to get the attention of the officers, he was warned "Back up or you're going to jail also!"

"Right now, he's going to jail," another officer said. "He's going to jail and there's nothing you can do about it. Period."
While I tend to err on the side of the police, this one seems like a potentially historic and egregious offense by some overzealous cop.

Basically, they took “the cleanest as a whistle guy in sports,” and decided to arrest him. Blows my mind. Unless we are missing something very obvious, that police force and the city owes Mr. Scheffler a massive apology.
I understand Duke. I like to give the benefit of doubt to police
But Scottie was in a clearly marked PGACHAMPIONSHIP car headed to a PGA golf course on a day of a PGA tournament. Scottie had already been given the go ahead by other police.
The policeman who screamed Scottie was going to jail no matter what seemed a tad out of control
And the others who treated Scottie politely seemed to understand a mistake was made.
Scottie handled it great.
If he doesn’t win, should he sue for lost wages?
I don't think there's any type of legal precedent for that since he played and played well. But the fundamental question that no one is asking is, why would anyone have any motivation to drive past a barrier? Even OJ Simpson or Micheal Vick wouldn't have any motivation headed to a clubhouse and drive around, disregard police instructions in That Situation. Seems like the cop is on a power trip because he gave poor instructions and doesn't want to admit it.
Scottie said cops told him to
He was in a PGA CHAMPIONSHIP marked car. He can not be the only player trying to get to tourney.
I did not know there was a barrier but if there was a way to drive around cars in line and he was told to take it why wouldn't he?
Scottie said cops told him to
He was in a PGA CHAMPIONSHIP marked car. He can not be the only player trying to get to tourney.
I did not know there was a barrier but if there was a way to drive around cars in line and he was told to take it why wouldn't he?
Apparently there was a lane (likely a safety shoulder).
The mayor says there is no police camera footage, Run is probably right. Power hungry cop now trying to bluff it through.
I can't believe Scottie was the ONLY golfer trying to get to the course at around that time.
But the fundamental question that no one is asking is, why would anyone have any motivation to drive past a barrier?
Allow me to reset the scene as I understand it. (If any of these details prove to be inaccurate, my assessment may change, but I doubt it.)

It was dark.
It was raining.
There was heavy traffic congestion.
There was confusion due to a fatal traffic incident that had just occurred.
Scheffler was instructed by another officer to drive where he was driving, only moments earlier.
He was driving in a marked vehicle, provided to him by the golf tournament.

After being told to drive around traffic moments earlier by a uniformed policeman, someone in a rain suit — perhaps not immediately identifiable as a policeman, apparently approached his vehicle “in an agitated state.” The instructions that were provided by that individual were contrary to what Scheffler had been told, only moments earlier.

I don’t know about others, but I have to say that I would have been nervous and confused. Heck, I’ve experienced something similar at LAX and sadly, more than once.

On one occasion, literally less than five seconds after I had entered a designated “arriving passenger retrieval area,” I had an officer scream at me,You’re going to jail.” At the time, it wasn’t dark, and it wasn’t raining.

Given the circumstances, I don’t know how I would’ve reacted in Louisville, but one thought might have been, “who is this individual and why is he trying to stop me when I was just told to go here?”

When the dust settles and after the Louisville authorities come to their senses and understand that they’re not going to be able to spin their way out of this embarrassing situation, I have virtually no doubt that not only will Scottie be fully exonerated, but that this will be a lingering black eye on the city, their police department, and their government officials.

They would be wise to immediately call a press conference…as in tomorrow, concede that this was a very unfortunate misunderstanding, and immediately drop all charges. The longer they don’t do that, the deeper the hole they are digging for themselves, and for the city’s already tainted reputation.
IF it turns out Scottie was the Only Pro golfer in a PCHAMPIONSHIP car trying to enter the course at time of morning before tee offs and he did run away from an officer who gave directions that Scottie ignored then I will revisit FACTS.
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Fair enough.

Having observed Scottie Scheffler’s behavior, demeanor, and humility for a number of years now, and not knowing anything about the officer involved in the incident, factoring in the chaotic nature of the situation, my inclination is to believe what Scheffler, many others, and his lawyer are saying.
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Protesters storm the 18th green at the travelers championship. I’m thinking they’re pretty lucky not to have gotten close to Scottie or there might have been a putter planted in their head.

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