Sand Fleas...Sand Aggies...

I wish I could say "no", but then I'd be lying to you. I told someone the other day that we look like a Fifth Ward pickup game, but "teams" in the Fifth Ward are more talented and better organized.
I've been guilty of it many times in football threads over the years. Beat KU by 8 touchdowns most years...NC game, baby!!!

Lose to OU, fire the coach!
I don't want the coaches fired simply because it's too soon, and I'm tired of paying off big unwarranted contracts.
The one thing we’ve learned in this first half is that tech has gotten every break and then some. I’ve never seen so many charging calls in an entire season as I have this first half of play.
The announcer just said, "Texas big men are a little bit soft going to the rim".

REALLY? I was beginning to think Puppy Dog Madden was back and working with the basketball team.
Ttu is getting every bounce going their way. Especially on 3 point shots.We’ll have a much better game against these guys in Austin
Not easy playing 8 on 5 when you’re the 5.

That missed Tech FT where they went over our back knocking our guy to the floor then calling it out on us was pretty tragic. However, they've been more aggressive to the hoop which causes more fouls. We get the ball down low over and over and pause or hesitate many times resulting in a turnover. Difference in style of play.

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