Rudy's: What is your take on their food?

woops, yep Poor Boy

and I actually get the Poor Boy Plus (extra meat) with beans, extra side of fries and large sweet tea. That's my comfort meal. I get it after every round of golf. If I'm feeling extra special I'll add a brownie.
I live abt a mile from Rudy's on 183, and we eat there at least once a month. I especially like their St Louis pork ribs, the extra moist / cutter's choice brisket (the lean is too dry for me because it's fatless), the spicy beans, and - contrary to many people - their jalapeno sausage ("half a hotty, sliced").

One thing I like is that if you don't like the look of your order (ribs too small or dry, meat too fatty or lean) they'll replace it. Few places do that.

The 183 Rudy's is a good people-watching place; a lot of businesses bring out-of-towners there for lunch, and it's interesting to see their reactions to the servers yelling orders to the cutters, and to eating on butcher paper.

Used to be a local Rudy's commercial with Nolan Ryan and a young catcher walking towards the camera; the catcher asks NR "Is this heaven?" NR replies in that Alvin twang, "Nah....this is Rudy's Country Store and Barbeque."

It ain't heaven but it aint bad.
It's amazing how varied people's opinions are on food. I can't even fathom comparing Rudy's to Applebees or Wal-Mart.....Rudy's is not that bad. I think, for BBQ within 10 miles of Austin's city limits, it might be the best option. I've always liked Rudy's for its extra moist, pork ribs, cream corn, and close proximity to Austin. When I am in the mood for BBQ, I don't always have the time to drive to Lockhart, Luling, or Llano ....nor does my hunger want to wait that long either. I don't live in Texas anymore and I would kill to have Rudy's to drop in on. hell, even in Houston the BBQ sucks and the opening of a Rudy's is a step in the right direction.

Whoever compared Rudy's to Chuy's is probably more accurate...even though I still think Rudy's is better BBQ than people on here give it credit for.
Anyone who thinks there is no good BBQ inside the city limits of Austin really needs to try Artz Rib House -- baby backs, please -- pronto.
My intoduction to Rudy's was at the Leon Springs location way back in 1992. I have not had any of their b'que in a while. Though my fridge usually stocked with a bottle of their sauce.

May have some this weekend.
when my brother was a senior in high school, he came up and visited me with a buddy of his. i was on my victory lap semester at the time. when they got in i brought home a huge spread of rudys and cracked some beers in my apt. they ate like vikings and drank like ********.

it was just then that he realized how good college was going to be.

i'd love to see rudys open a store inside the loop in houston.
There are some very good bbq places in Houston. Not sure why all the hate. Ever been to Houston BBQ Company? The owners ran Luling City Market for over 15 years.
I am confused on how the original Rudy's is 'not' in Central TX. I thought the original is NW of San Antonio.
Got takeout from there todayto battle a mild hangover.

1/2 Moist, 4 Pork Ribs, New Potatoes and a large iced tead.

Feeling good. I like the place. Also, it's very well run. Whoever said their sausage sucks is right. Not sure what that is.

Berts and Rudys are the only Austin BBQ joints I hit.
Speaking of Bert's, have they rebuilt or otherwise reopened in another location? My lunch routine has not been the same since that fire.
Kruetz, David's (in Pantego), I do enjoy Salt Lick, Gonzalas meat market, and Hard 8 in Stephenville is really great as well..... I like all of those. In fact, I have hardly ever eaten bad BBQ. I have only eaten at Cooper's twice and it was VERY dry both times. I have only eaten at Rudy's once and it was DRY. I have only heard good things about Rudy's but my experience was bad. I am pretty sure my in-laws got us the extra lean, which probably is more dry. It is not so much the location as about the dryness.
Rudy's extra lean is inedible. The extra moist, however is pretty damn good especially conisidering the fact that you can get it within 5 minutes of pretty much every place in Austin.
It was never my intention to condemn the place on this thread, but to ask about others experiences. I have only eaten there once and I was in a large group (headed up by the in laws) and so I didn't even really get to order my own food. Sounds like I need to go there again and try the extra moist. Looks like it was just poor ordering that caused my experience to be what it was. And I am not the only one who has complained about dry meat at Coopers. And having dry meat twice (both in the evening) makes me not want to go there again no matter how good it might be at times. I am usually there in the evening.
I'll take the St. Louie Ribs, Cutter's Choice and a side of beans any day of the week -- especially considering convenience and consistency are requirements of most of my daily meal choices.
I think the majority of the people on this thread have it right. Rudy's is better than average, but not on par with what the aficionados consider to be really good. I have eaten at several locations multiple times, including Leon Springs, and have not noticed a huge difference in the quality among any of them. I personally like the sauce and the beans, but obviously opinions are going o vary on food.

I do consider Leon Springs to be Central TX, and even feel that San Antonio could go either way (N and W of SA is Central TX, S and E of SA is South Texas).
Back to Berts for a minute and then a comment on Rudys.

At Berts you can ask for moist cut. They'll do it and it's good too. Also get the sausage there as a whole link. Berts sausage has been solid every tilme I got it. Really like it.

No Jokes about the previous sentence please.

Now, Rudys. I think [Berts] and Rudys are the two best options in town. Just avoid the sausage at Rudys. The new potatoes are great though.

We can't always hit Blacks or Louie M's or the others - that's a 45 min or more detour. I do that on weekends every now and then. Blacks is my favorite by the way. Can't really go wrong with any of them.

I think for good bbq - in Austin - hit Berts or Rudys. They're pretty good.

Berts lacks the sides Rudys has. If you're going to Rudys, do what I do. Get the moist, some St. Louis RIbs, some new potatoes, and a giant iced tea. It's hits the spot.
traffic, mann's is on the reserach blvd feeder road heading east, between burnet and ohlen road.

i think it may have been one of donn's old joints, but i'm not sure about that.

i've been there a few times, its pretty solid. good brisket and ribs. tons of sides, which i like because they have fried okra. i think i am going to put in a warming drawer at my house and keep it filled with fried okra 24/7.

i live about equal distance between there and ruby's, so its always going to be ruby's if i am getting in the car and driving to get local que, but i think its worth a stop if you're nearby.
I usually go to Manns 2 times a month for lunch. The people there are very nice. i usually go for the specials because they are a decent price. And they have little games where you can win free meals and Ive been comped once so far. As far as food, there sausage plate is great and there sides are good. They have alot of assortment and I want to say on Thursdays, they have free brownies. Overall, its not that bad, worth a shot for people who haven't been there.