RSJ de-commitment

It's just me, but I don't think money enters into RS-J's decision at all.

I do think whether or not he's allowed to go out for basketball is a factor, but I doubt Mack would let such a thing cost him a player as obviously talented as RS-J. No matter what's said, call it a secondary issue.

If I was a betting man, I'd guess that a person or people close to RS-J who don't particularly favor the Horns have been in his ear about the UT offense. I suspect he's been told he wouldn't see the ball enough, that UT intends to hammer away with its' running game, and that he has no guarantee he'll ultimately be a wide receiver instead of a tight end. None of those things are absolutely right...or absolutely wrong. RIGHT NOW, nobody knows how the offense is gonna play out this coming season.

I get the impression from just things I've read about RS-J that he primarily sees himself as a wide receiver, that he, like all supremely talented players, expects to see the ball a lot, and that he questions if those two things will happen with the Horns. More specifically, I expect some people, some recruiters, pushing him to other schools have reinforced those doubts with him.

I'm not sure I'd even call it 50-50 that he comes back to his UT commitment. I hope he does, but very few players who officially decommit recommit to a team. I'd hope that UT stays on him for a while to try to change his mind again, but if it becomes obvious LSU, or somebody else, has really turned his head, I'd hope UT would just move on. I don't think there's any sense in beating your head against the wall if its' a lost cause.

His mother, "Buffy", says a number of basketball schools are in play including Kansas, Kentucky, SMU, Baylor and Cal: Buffy Says So

I agree that it's highly likely that Buffy clearly got a better deal.

And BTW, who's his father? I wonder what he thinks/says about all this . . . .
Joe, he is having to weigh if he wants to play where he loves or go with the money. This is decisions that happens all the time in the real world. My wife is being offered a job that pays three times more in Chicago. We have to decide do we say where we love or do we go where the money is. In our case that's not enough money for us to leave the great state of Texas.
i mean this with respect, but that's an apples to oranges comparison.

at any rate, your post assumes that you're getting paid in texas but dont would be getting paid more in chicago. but either way you're getting paid.

and again, i dont think this is about money, i think it's just about RSJ trying to figure out what's best for him. it just seems a bit shortsighted to think that a recruit wavering on their commitment to UT automatically signals foul play.
At the upcoming rivals 5 star event, Swoopes will be joined by a number of future Longhorns teammates. He's scheduled to room with Ricky Seals-Jones, a player who recently decommitted from Texas.

this couldnt hurt
This isn't meant to whiz in anybody's Wheaties, but I wouldn't bet the farm on RS-J falling in love with the Horns again. I posted here earlier and believe that this isn't about money, but I do believe some people he trusts are in his ear about going someplace other than UT, and unless he can sort things out for himself, something that's sometimes hard for an eighteen year old to do, he's probably gonna sign somewhere else. My guess is that LSU's in the best position to get him now. LESS will promise whatever it takes, and he's still not happy about UT grabbing Torshiro Davis at the end of the last recruiting season.
One thing other recruiters could be in his ear about is our passing game or lack thereof. Specifically how we bombed on 5 star guys Gilbert and Darius White. We know the story but in these times perception is reality in recruiting. If Ash proves himself as a reliable passer then RSJ might come back to the fold.
I'll bet when he asked Texas about basketball they told him he COULD...

You know how your spouse gives you permission to do something but makes it pretty damn clear they aren't exactly thrilled about it?
And that there is a price attached to it without actually saying so?

And maybe that's the way it should be. This aint high school anymore.
This is just a hunch, but I kinda doubt basketball is the big difference maker it's being portrayed to be in RS-J's backing out of his commitment. It may have entered the conversation, but I get the idea his cold feet come from concerns about the UT offense more than anything.

There are a couple of schools out there with traditionally whiz bang offenses, LSU and Baylor, and their recruiters would be remiss in their duties if they didn't push UT's lack of offensive success the last couple of years to RS-J. Obviously, he's paying attention to somebody, and unfortunately, I wouldn't expect him to recommit to the Horns. That rarely happens.
RSJ is gone. Horns will be fine without him. To think he'll recommit is just beating a dead horse. It's not like UT doesn't have other talent.
Remember the Russell Shephard recruitment? Mack was pretty upfront that his chances of playing QB at Texas was slim to none because Gilbert was a can't miss prospect by all major D1 programs. But Less told him he could play QB and guess what, Shepard can't even bump Jordan Jefferson. He ended up a WR as Mack said he would.

Les Brains is probably telling him no problem as far as playing basketball. But as soon as the pen hits paper, Les will threaten RSJ's schollie if he sees him within 1 mile of a basketball court.
Lester's not above negative recruiting and stretching the truth to fit his needs, but I have a feeling that the people in RS-J's ear are a lot closer to Sealy than Baton Rouge.
Our recent offensive woes are a legitimate issue for a top recruit, but considering the talent on board now and in the pipeline, I’d like to think that is a bit of a straw man at this point. At any rate, we will be fine and the next few years look very promising, imo.

Re: [The kid][Pick another self-obsessed 'stud recruit'] obviously wants to play from day 1 and not be worried about earning the job on the field and competition. Texas does not need this attitude.

Maybe there are some folks out there a whole lot more in-the-know than me about the RS-J decommitment. That being said, it seems to me that a lot of people are making a snap judgment about RS-J and his decision to look around some more, and are putting thoughts in his head and words in his mouth that he hasn't said.

RS-J says he wants to make sure, and to do that, he needs to look around some. I don't doubt him. I don't doubt that some people he trusts are in his ear persuading him to check out other schools. I'd say the odds are better than 50-50 that he does NOT come back to UT, but I don't care to say he's self-centered, a prima dona, or anything of the sort. It would have been better if he'd done this before committing to UT, but his name isn't signed to anything yet, and he can look to his heart's content. I just don't see a need to slam RS-J just because he's looking other schools over.
after visiting A&M yesterday, RSJ is reportedly scheduled to be back on UTs campus today to meet with both the football and basketball coaching staffs.

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