RP gone -updated-

I don't feel the least bit sorry for him, but it's a shame that such talent has been wasted. For all his personal shortcomings, I think he had a legitimate chance to be a great college QB.
I feel very confident that Les will put the hammer down. Ryan will be kicked off the team until at least August. He is truly a waste of human DNA.
I'm torn. Obviously the kid did us wrong and is continuing to make bad choices. It's great that he's having to deal with consequences instead of being protected from them. You just hope that at some point the light clicks on and he realizes that being an disingenous, irresponsible, selfish jerk isn't the best way to look out for himself.
I wonder what really happened...he was in trouble a lot, but he was back with the team after the latest episode so something bad must have happened. Perhaps he and Bam Morris were study partners.
What a waste. I don't wish the kid any ill. Hope he can turn his life around, transfer to another school, and live up to his potential.
On 1530 this morning they had a NO reporter on and he said the speculation was that he failed a drug test, but nobody at LSU is talking. That makes the most sense though, b/c I can't see Miles actually kicking him off the team if he wasn't essentially required to.
Sometimes things really do work out for the best. We needed something to save us from his idoitness.

I'm amazed at how this worked out, which was the best thing for UT. Who's to say that he would have gotten in all this trouble here, but I think all the gnashing of teeth has been proven a waste of time.

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