Riots in Minneapolis

Well Chop the thugs in Portland and NYC were busy in their own cities.
So there are thousands of "anarchists" are coming in . Who pays their living expenses?
There must be millions of "out of area anarchists" to be able to have so many in so many cities at once.
Now the violence is escalating .
Two Federal Protective Service officers were shot - one fatally - during Friday night protests in Oakland, California, as violent protests across the US intensified over the killing of George Floyd.

At least 7,500 demonstrators took to the streets in Oakland last night, clashing with police and sparking arson attacks and vandalism across the city. During the squirmish, two officers with the Federal Protective Service - a part of Homeland Security created to protect government facilities - were shot. Police are investigating.

'Two Federal Protective Services officers stationed at the Oakland Downtown Federal Building suffered gunshot wounds. Unfortunately, one succumbed to his injury,' the police department told CNN.
There was also a 19 yr old "protestor" killed in Detroit by others driving by in a car, not police
so since it is Detroit it could have been gang related
Wonder how many were shot last night in Chicago?
The St Paul mayor released the info that all of the persons arrested in last night’s riots in St Paul were from out of state. All of them. I doubt he is lying. A reasonable conclusion is that the police only arrested the hard core leaders of the violence, mayhem, and destruction of property. They can’t arrest all law breakers in a riot, so they go for the ringleaders. There are not “thousands” of ringleaders. Probably dozens. As the Twin Cities are the epicenter of this, it is a further reasonable conclusion that many hard core agitators have converged on Minnesota to raise hell. Past riots in recent history have shown the presence of hard core left and anarchist elements converging on the epicenter and stirring up violence and mayhem. Seattle, St Louis, etc. Draw your own conclusions.

The CIA comment was obviously in jest, but I put a bunch of these :smokin::rolleyes1: next to it just in case some people took it as serious.
A small number of ringleaders can, at times, turn a peaceful protest into mayhem. I suspect there’s a lot of that in play in these riots.
The mayor

Now I understand why his lack of leadership is so apparent in these riots.
Now the governor of Minnesota is estimating that, statewide, 80% of those who committed violent acts in the riots are from out of state.
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oh, so I guess you haven't received your reading list of how not to be a racist white person

I got my list of movies and books.

I start with a little light reading of Mein Kampf.
Then I read a little fiction, To Kill a Mockingbird, the story of a race traitor lawyer trying to deny justice to a raping black dude.

Finally I watch the inspiring story of a good upstanding White youth enlightened by a good smart man and then thrown in jail for defending his family against a bunch of lawless black gang members where his pure knowledge is corrupted by the filthy ideas of some black guy. When he gets out he is reminded of who he is when his brother is killed by more filthy gang banging blacks. Of course I'm talking about the incredible classic movie
American History X

We the good god fearing white men of this world have an obligation to learn the truth and take our place as the leaders of the world.

I feel more superior already. Oh crap, I'm really not white, now I'm not sure what to do?
There is no excuse for how the protesters / rioters have responded to the situation in MN. And it is incredibly unfair and irresponsible to place the blame at the foot of police generally, as opposed to this particular officer.

However, there is also no excuse for pretending that there isn't a race-based problem with respect to policy activity. Ask any black person in America, and they will tell you stories about when they were stopped/questioned/accosted by police while they were minding their own business and doing nothing questionable, much less illegal. Until we address this issue head on, frustration will continue to grow and responsive conduct will sometimes go too far (and occasionally, way too far).
I had already posted my own experience and other whites I know being "stopped/questioned/accosted by police while they were minding their own business and doing nothing questionable, much less illegal." Maybe if you liberals would get out of your cave you might see what happens in the real world to all people.

I've seen no evidence of blacks being accosted any more than any other race. Until you show some evidence of a race based problem and not just police being on a power trip you're nothing but a race baiter.
On Friday night far left protesters in downtown St. Louis shut down Highway 70 heading into St. Louis City and then rushed on the highway to frighten drivers.
One semi truck driver attempted an escape from the violent mob and ended up dragging a protester who was caught between his two trailers. The FedEx driver could not see him.

More like this will happen.
I saw video of rioters damaging a Mercedes Benz dealership in Oakland. They all seemed like white antifa types. Lots of folks mostly watching them.
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This is how the Detroit Mayor reports it
"Some 1,500 people demonstrated peacefully Friday in Detroit as part of the nationwide protests."
I guess only 1 killed says "peaceful"

If white supremists are responsible for the Minneapolis riots and other riots what does that say about all the black thugs on camera looting and burning?? Back on the plantation and taking orders from their masters?
I don't think the Minn Gov etc thought through using that as an excuse
"Mr. Deez, However, it isn't enough to condemn the officer. You have to shout the broader "**** the police" and "**** whitey" narratives like LongestHorn does. Well, to borrow his verbiage, "**** that."

oh, so I guess you haven't received your reading list of how not to be a racist white person and what to say, and what not to say right now to black people.
There are real lists posted on my Facebook by the worst, chest beating SJWs I have ever seen right now. I got absolutely lambasted when, after several posts stating that this event seemed like outright murder, these specific police should be arrested, and what seemed to be all the "right" things, I dared mention it seemed as if the man was trying to get his life on track, and what a shame if this had happened now. There is absolutely no reasoning with them at all-- a small sample:

ESN: Don't trivialize this by saying he "wasn't a total angel." No one is a total angel and your statement implies that somehow, if the crime is heinous enough, police should be justified in killing someone.

Police say Floyd matched the description of someone who tried to pay with a counterfeit bill at the convenience store. By matching the description they mean he was a black man.

He was killed because he was a black man.

  • Hollandtx:
    , I'm not trying to trivialize anything. He had a few run ins with the law in Houston.
    I do believe that there are a few crimes heinous enough to justify shooting or killing someone. Ex, holding hostages, an active shooter, to name a couple.
    I am in no way trying to minimize this murder.

Hol: Why do we have to ruin that poor boy’s life?
Yeah he wasn’t perfect...but he’s got his life ahead of him.
(someone threw this in, I have no idea why or what bearing it has on this situation. He is the wealthy swimmer who had sex/assaulted a drunk and unconscious woman and was sentenced to probation)
I guess it's a WHITE PRIVILEGE statement of some sort, although this guy had no priors....

    • safe_image.php

      Emily :youtube.comPres. Trump brings Mpls. police Lt. Bob Kroll on stage. This friend of Trump's wears a white privileged armband!

  • Emily And how do you know those run-ins with the law weren't because he was black? Why do you think that when a black person is killed by a cop their records are paraded out as if it justifies it?

    I've been pulled over for speeding, that's a "run-in with the law." The difference between George Floyd and me is that I don't have to worry that I'll be murdered for it.
  • Me: Emily, you put me in a tough spot. I do not want to speak ill of the dead, but he was in and out of jail for small crimes (having cocaine) He also broke in to a woman's house, pointed a gun at her, and robbed her of money and drugs. He pleaded guilty to that.
    No one has paraded this information out, in fact the only records I have seen are of the policeman. I realized I knew nothing about Mr. Floyd and looked him up. I didn't know or hadn't heard any of this until I found it. I looked him up after reading about the ministry he began in Houston.
    B&E, attempted robbery, and using a gun in commission of a robbery has nothing to do with the color of his skin. It is a fact.
    To his credit he realized he needed to change his life. He started his ministry, but some of his friends tried to be a bad influence. (what the article said, but here he was breaking the law in MN. I didn't put that in my reply)
    That is why he left Houston and moved to Minnesota.
    Maybe police kept finding cocaine on him because they checked more since he was a black man, but, his armed robbery had nothing to do with his color. I am outraged about his killing.

    I will spare y'all anymore, but that is the tone. If anyone wants the reading list, let me know. Or the what you can/can't say to a black person.
    Short version, don't say you are sorry that this happened, don't say, I know I can't possibly understand what it is to be black--but this is a terrible thing.
    ONLY SAY: I see you. I hear you. I am with you. Memorize this statement.
    Then, get started on that reading list because nothing will change until white people change.
    And meanwhile, our Nation burns. (totally justified though, hundreds of years of anger spewing out) AAAAAGGGHHHH

Well your Facebook page sounds like lots of fun. I seldom engage politics on Facebook. It's just so rarely productive. Basically I'll only do it with a small group of people and on a limited basis.

Like I've mentioned, wokeness is taking the place of religion for white liberals. It is the source of their righteousness and redemption. That leads to binary thinking the way religion does. If you're a Christian people either accept Christ or go to hell. Similarly, you either accept the woke vision (that America is a horrible, racist country and that police in general are monsters and that woke, socialist politics is the only redemption), or you're a heretic.

However, it's more frightening than religion, because wokeness demands perfection, and its standards are constantly evolving. What's acceptable today can be unforgivable tomorrow, and we judge yesterday's conduct by today's standards.

So to Emily, you aren't just misguided. You're morally depraved. Since you didn't actually commit the act of unwokeness (meaning you didn't kill Floyd), you aren't irredeemable. However, you are expected to self-flagellate (acknowledge your privilege and don't offer your opinion to blacks). In fact, you're not allowed to think for yourself on the matter at all.

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