Riots in Minneapolis


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Minneapolis Mayor Calls for Arrest of Officer in George Floyd Death

Somehow that seems weird to me. People up there seem so nice. But after a cop was videotaped with his knee pressed into the neck of a suspect who complained he couldn't breathe for 4 minutes then went limp with his knee in the neck for 4 more minutes ... anger can be expected. Of course the police union says not to rush to judgement.... but damn we watched that cop act in an absurdly villanous way...
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Maybe now people will not be so judgy with Kaepernick's civil disobedience. We've got a problem in this country.

Compare the police response to protests to this murder to the protests of the Governor in Michigan because they are being asked to wear masks and not get their hair colored. Imagine if the Minneapolis protesters were as armed as those idgets in Lansing. Things would get out of hand quickly.
if people would do some ride alongs with cops occasionally they might see why this kind of thing happens from time to time-----rare but sometimes with very bad results, as here. Some cops are more likely to have this sort of thing occur than others. This guy has got a lot of troubles coming his way for overdoing it.

I will be interested to learn more about why they detained the guy to start with and why he thought the continuous knee to neck exercise was called for.
The cops that killed the black dude aren’t necessarily racist, they just old fashioned murderers.
Yeah... I try not to be racist. But the idea of hundreds of black people with AR-15s in their hands looks scarier than hundreds of overweight bearded white guys in plaid shirts with Ar-15s..
The cops that killed the black dude aren’t necessarily racist, they just old fashioned murderers.

A lot of people don't understand that this stuff happens to whites just as it does blacks. The difference is that if the person involved is a person of color the media hypes it.
I think it happening with the cell phone videos rolling makes a big difference too. Watching the video, I'd have terrific sympathy whether the cuffed person was a woman or a man who looked like Chuck Norris or Osama Bin Laden.
Yeah... I try not to be racist. But the idea of hundreds of black people with AR-15s in their hands looks scarier than hundreds of overweight bearded white guys in plaid shirts with Ar-15s..
Doesn’t coronavirus have a greater negative affect on black people because they’re in worse shape than others?
Two things can be true at the same time. First, we have no idea what happened before the video started recording. Second, I can't come up with a fact scenario that would justify the knee to the neck maneuver.
A lot of people don't understand that this stuff happens to whites just as it does blacks. The difference is that if the person involved is a person of color the media hypes it.
Some people get this, but not the race baiters. I was pulled over and handcuffed, searched, car searched in Newport, IN for no other reason than having an out of state license plate. A roommate, when I was at UT, (whiter than snow white) was arrested and thrown in jail in AL walking to work one summer probably only because he had shoulder length hair. He insists he was doing nothing but walking down the sidewalk and I believe him.

I have no doubt whites have been suffocated by white cops too, but it doesn't fit the MSM narrative. When I was attacked resulting in a hospital stay by 4 black guys for jogging down the hike & bike trail do you think the MSM cared? This type of incident happens twice as much as the other way around, and when normalized by population it's 5x as much.

I would just like for one of the race baiters to let me know when blacks are going to stop committing crime at a rate of 5x the rest of society?
Two things can be true at the same time. First, we have no idea what happened before the video started recording. Second, I can't come up with a fact scenario that would justify the knee to the neck maneuver.
I agree. I do think there's a scenario to justify it int he short term but not long enough to kill a dude.
Some people get this, but not the race baiters. I was pulled over and handcuffed, searched, car searched in Newport, IN for no other reason than having an out of state license plate. A roommate, when I was at UT, (whiter than snow white) was arrested and thrown in jail in AL walking to work one summer probably only because he had shoulder length hair. He insists he was doing nothing but walking down the sidewalk and I believe him.

I have no doubt whites have been suffocated by white cops too, but it doesn't fit the MSM narrative. When I was attacked resulting in a hospital stay by 4 black guys for jogging down the hike & bike trail do you think the MSM cared? This type of incident happens twice as much as the other way around, and when normalized by population it's 5x as much.

I would just like for one of the race baiters to let me know when blacks are going to stop committing crime at a rate of 5x the rest of society?
Check the number of cops killed by blacks and compare it to the number of blacks killed by cops.
Some people get this, but not the race baiters. I was pulled over and handcuffed, searched, car searched in Newport, IN for no other reason than having an out of state license plate. A roommate, when I was at UT, (whiter than snow white) was arrested and thrown in jail in AL walking to work one summer probably only because he had shoulder length hair. He insists he was doing nothing but walking down the sidewalk and I believe him.

I have no doubt whites have been suffocated by white cops too, but it doesn't fit the MSM narrative. When I was attacked resulting in a hospital stay by 4 black guys for jogging down the hike & bike trail do you think the MSM cared? This type of incident happens twice as much as the other way around, and when normalized by population it's 5x as much.

I would just like for one of the race baiters to let me know when blacks are going to stop committing crime at a rate of 5x the rest of society?

Yep. Most important thing is to NEVER try to fight the cops or resist arrest. When that happens nothing but bad things will happen to you. They will **** you up and as we've seen, possibly kill you.
There should be riots in the streets. We should also riot when the police kill whites.

Or at least protest. Riot is probably not the thing to do. But police do need to be held accountable.

But I agree with other here. More whites are killed by police than blacks even when normalizing for population and # of interactions. Blacks are more likely for police to become physical with them normalized for # of interactions.

But all the rates are similar across races.

Still doesn't mean people should let it slide when someone is killed by a policeman in their community.
Looks like the cop my have be able to use the "I have no functioning intelligence" defense. Still has his knee on the guys neck when the gurney arrives.
Compare the police response to protests to this murder to the protests of the Governor in Michigan because they are being asked to wear masks and not get their hair colored. Imagine if the Minneapolis protesters were as armed as those idgets in Lansing.

Actually the police response was very similar. Someone carrying a gun while protesting is not breaking the law. Neither is someone marching while protesting. You can see plenty of videos and it's a tense but peaceful protest - no riot gear, no tear gas, etc.

A much smaller crowd did break off from the main protest and intentionally brought along buckets of rocks to throw at police officers. That group is what brought out the riot gear and tear gas. That group was clearly dangerous and was committing not just vandalism but also assault. There are plenty of white people perpetrating these crimes and to me they seem to be a majority of the violent protesters.

The larger body of well-organized (organizers were emphasizing that multiple wrong won't make a right and that getting violent wasn't going to fix the problem) Minnesota protesters not committing crimes was treated pretty much the same as the Michigan one not committing crimes.

if people would do some ride alongs with cops occasionally they might see why this kind of thing happens from time to time

From a friend of a friend on facebook (can't link it directly due to privacy settings):

"I’m not in law enforcement, and never have been. I know their job is difficult, often thankless, and the majority of them do it every day by the book in an exemplary fashion.

HOWEVER, I was in the military. I have had to take many people into custody overseas. People who weren’t my fellow citizens, and would actually have liked to do real harm to me or even kill me or my buddies if given the chance. Despite this fact, never once did I or any Ranger I fought with ever have an incident like this. Once someone is in your custody, you are responsible for their life. That was true in a war zone, and it’s ABSOLUTELY true in America. The blatant disregard for the preservation of this mans life that was shown by these officers is so grotesque, it makes my blood boil.

You want to tell the Colin Kaepernick’s of the world they’re wrong(and I believe they are)...then be better than this.

My twin boys love Spider-Man. They love to recite Uncle Ben’s favorite quote...'with great power, comes great responsibility'. It’s corny sounding, but without a doubt, absolutely true. You are given the power to enforce the law, to arrest your fellow citizens, to carry weapons, drive police cars, and take away their liberty if appropriate. Please don’t be these guys, who hopefully will be charged with the murder of this man. Be better. Look at your fellow citizens as just that. Enough of this.”

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